Totally Rad Christmas

Ep 112 – Cilla Black’s Christmas (w/ Kriss Kringle)

What’s up, dudes? Let’s celebrate the Feast of the Epiphany by dancing to a Lionel Richie song! Kriss Kringle from Kringle Talks Kristmas talks UK star Cilla Black and her 1983 Christmas show! Are there special guests? Uh, yeah! The BeeGees, George Benson, Julio Iglesias, and more! Is there singing? For sure! There’s even a medley of lesser known Christmas tunes! So sit back, give your best one-liners, and listen all night long!

Kringle Talks Kristmas
Twitter: @KristmasTalks

Listen to this episode of Totally Rad Christmas
Author: Gerry D / Kriss Kringle
Title: Ep 112 – Cilla Black’s Christmas (w/ Kriss Kringle)

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