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What’s up, dudes? I need to release a new episode, but I only have a paperclip, some chewing gum, and a trash can. Guess I’ll have to MacGyver it! Thank goodness I have Art from A Cozy Christmas  and Joe from Now Watch This to help me! That’s right! We’re talking MacGyver! But wait! Christmas magic and miracles?!?! In a MacGyver episode?! Does he even come up with a cool hack? No. Is there at least a great version of a Christmas classic? You bet! So grab your pocket knife and an egg, hook up a battery to a potato, and rig up this episode!

A Cozy Christmas
FB: @cozychristmaspodcast
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Now Watch This
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Listen to this episode of Totally Rad Christmas
Author: Gerry D / Joe Martinez, Art Kilmer

Monday Memory: MacGyver “The Madonna” (w/ Art and Joe)

What’s up, dudes? It’s Candlemas! Yes, today we say goodbye to Christmastide. To celebrate, I’ve got Thom Crowe from ‘Tis the Podcast and Art Kilmer from A Cozy Christmas with to talk about the 1981 episode of SuperBook “The First Christmas!”

Once again, several Gospel pericopes are concatenated in this New Testament-inspired episode. While feeling nostalgic and missing his mother at Christmas, Chris, Joy, and his robot toy Gizmo find themselves transported by the mystical book. When the psychedelia settles, they stare up in awe at a vast dessert from another time!  Finding themselves in the 1st century BC Holy Land, the trio arrive during the time for Caesar Augustus’s decree.

Accordingly, St. Joseph and the Blessed Virgin Mary make the trek to Bethlehem, their ancestral home. Simultaneously the Magi follow a star to Bethlehem in search of a new king. The trio meet the Holy Family and journey with them to the same town. That night they see the Angel’s proclamation of great joy, and follow some shepherds to the inn where Jesus was born. They also foil Herod’s plot to have the Magi followed and the child killed. Having saved the day, they return to their time and celebrate Christmas properly.

An inn with no room? Check. Magi following a star? Got it. Adoring the Holy Family? Definitely! So grab your gold, frankincense, and myrrh, stay with your clockwork robot in a shepherd’s house, and head to Bethlehem with this episode! O come, let us adore him in SuperBook “The First Christmas!”

‘Tis the Podcast
FB: @tisthepodcast
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FB Group: Tis the Podcast Group

A Cozy Christmas
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Listen to this episode of Totally Rad Christmas
Author: Gerry D / Art Kilmer, Thom Crowe
Title: SuperBook “The First Christmas” (w/ Art and Thom)

What’s up, dudes? My scheduled plans fell through, so here’s a fun little game my son and I played. Season finale next week!

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Author: Gerry D / Little #2
Title: Christmas Music Triviapalooza (w/ Little #2)

What’s up, dudes? Peace on earth, goodwill towards men and women and chickens and bears… and Dizzy Gillespie! Yes, Mike Westfall of Advent Calendar House and Tim Babb from Can’t Wait for Christmas are with me to talk all about the 1979 special “John Denver & the Muppets: A Christmas Together!”

Advent Calendar House
FB: @adventcalendarhouse
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IG: @adventcalendarhouse

Can’t Wait for Christmas
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Listen to this episode of Totally Rad Christmas
Author: Gerry D / Mike Westfall, Tim Babb

John Denver & the Muppets: A Christmas Together (w/ Mike and Tim)

What’s up, dudes? Remember Band Aid and its mega-hit “Do They Know It’s Christmas?” It spun off countless relief efforts, including Carol Aid 1985. Ken Kessler from Sounds of Christmas introduced me to this concert, and he’s here to talk about its MTV and Music Box broadcast!

Carol Aid was a famine relief concert held at the club Heaven in London. MTV and Music Box aired a cut down version, leaving out several acts. In fact, the likes of Magnum, Captain Sensible, and Miquel Brown (to name a few) were cut for time. It’s quite unbelievable.

Cliff Richard kicked off the broadcast version with “Another Christmas Day,” while John Parr sang “Once in Royal David’s City.” Meanwhile, the Fixx pressed for donations and sang “Peace On Earth,” a hidden track from their following album. Subsequently, the event ended with the entire roster singing “Do They Know It’s Christmas?” rather heartily.

Chris De Burgh? Check. Anita Harris? She was there. Toto Coelo and the Flying Pickets? Got them too, though we have no idea what they sang. So grab your oversized checks, put on your red beret, and jam out to “Carols from Heaven” and Carol Aid 1985!

Sounds of Christmas
FB: @SOCMusic
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Listen to this episode of Totally Rad Christmas
Author: Gerry D / Ken Kessler
Title: Carol Aid “Carols from Heaven” (w/ Ken Kessler)

What’s up, dudes? CM Chuck from Just Another Friday Night and Jeff Loftin from Lost Christmas  join me to talk about an obscure Marvel Comic issue What The?! #10! Specifically, we’re digging into the short story “I’ll Be Doom for Christmas!”

Santa arrives at Doom’s castle on Christmas Eve, but is ensnared by one of Doom’s traps. The injured Santa convinces Doom to deliver the remaining presents by agreeing to give him his heart’s desire. Doom does so, but isn’t super stealthy at Avengers Mansion, waking several Avengers who tail him quietly.

Subsequently, he heads to the Baxter Building and is attacked by the Fantastic Four despite his protests of innocence. In fact, the Thing punches him and he flies several blocks. Finally fed up, he begins to defend himself against the heroes, and it’s revealed they’re battling in front of a hospital for sickly children. Of course, Doom tells a little girl the heroes are here to help him pass out toys, and he embraces her in a hug.

Weeks pass, and Santa is finally healed. As he leaves he tells Doom he’ll grant his wish, but Doom says it’s been taken care of. He’s cradling the teddy bear of the little girl from the hospital.

John Byrne art? Check. Scott Lobdell script? Got it. Heartwarming ending? Yeah, Doom’s a softy. So hitch up your snarky reindeer, put your Santa suit on over your armor, and ride out to this episode on “I’ll Be Doom for Christmas!”

Just Another Friday Night
YouTube: @JAFNpodcast
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Lost Christmas Podcast
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Listen to this episode of Totally Rad Christmas
Author: Gerry D / CM Chuck, Jeff Loftin
Title: I’ll Be Doom for Christmas (w/ Jeff and CM Chuck)

What’s up, dudes? I’ve got a rad treat for you today! It’s an episode of Jingle Jank I was a guest on! Now you can hear me along with Scott and Jay talk about the ‘84 album “A Midnight Christmas Mess”! Or, even better, go over to Jingle Jank and listen there! Then once you’re hooked, you can like and subscribe and download their other shows! There are some fantastic episodes! Take a listen to this one then head on over and enjoy! There are some fantastic guests!!

Jingle Jank

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Listen to this episode of Totally Rad Christmas
Author: Scott, Jay / Gerry D
Title: Jingle Jank Podcast: A Midnight Christmas Mess

Merry Christmas, dudes! It’s Christmas Day, and it’s my 300th episode! Listen to me try to herd cats in this very special Chattin’ with the Littles episode! And my bodacious friends from the Christmas Podcast Network show up just to Hit and with a Toaster! Not much else to say except that I hope you have a totally rad Christmas and a dope New Year!

Christmas Podcast Network

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Author: Gerry D / Davilas, Christmas Podcast Network
Title: Davila Family Christmas yr 5

What’s up, dudes? It’s Christmas Eve! Yes, tonight we begin Christmastide, so I’ve got Thom Crowe from ‘Tis the Podcast and Art Kilmer from A Cozy Christmas with to talk about Hanna-Barbera! No, not Yogi or Fred Flintstone, it’s The Greatest Adventure: Stories from the Bible “The Nativity!”

Several Gospel pericopes are concatenated in this 1987 straight-to-video animated feature. While surveying the sight of some ancient ruins, two young archaeologists, Derek and Margo, and their nomad friend Moki find themselves trapped and sinking in a whirlpool full of sand. When the dust settles, they stare up in awe at a vast chamber filled with giant relics and artifacts from another civilization. And there at the far end of the cavern, a door with a strange inscription: All who enter these portals pass through time!

Finding themselves in the 1st century BC Holy Land, the trio arrive in time for Caesar Augustus’s decree. Accordingly, St. Joseph and the Blessed Virgin Mary make the trek to Bethlehem, their ancestral home. Simultaneously the Magi follow a star to Bethlehem in search of a new king. The trio meet a shepherd boy named Yasha who leads them to Jerusalem, where they discover Herod’s plot to have the Magi followed. That night they see the Angel’s proclamation of great joy, and follow some shepherds to the inn where Jesus was born.

An inn with no room? Check. Magi following a star? Got it. Adoring the Holy Family? Definitely! So grab your gold, frankincense, and myrrh, hop on a camel, and head to Bethlehem with this episode! O come, let us adore him in The Greatest Adventure: Stories from the Bible “The Nativity!”

‘Tis the Podcast
FB: @tisthepodcast
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FB Group: Tis the Podcast Group

A Cozy Christmas
FB: @cozychristmaspodcast
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Listen to this episode of Totally Rad Christmas
Author: Gerry D / Art Kilmer, Thom Crowe
Title: The Greatest Adventure: Stories from the Bible “The Nativity” (w/ Thom and Art)

 What’s up, dudes? It’s 1988, and Jim Varney cashed in on his signature character from countless commercial! Laramy Wells from Moving Panels, DJ Chad Sheppard, and Robert Nicholas from Behind the Bells join me to talk all about “Ernest Saves Christmas!” What a wild ride!

Ernest P. Worell, a sweet but silly taxi driver who at times suffers delusions of grandeur, has just chauffeured a rather extraordinary fare: “His Great Red Oneness, the Claus” himself. Santa has neither the will nor magic for another Christmas season, and has come to Orlando, Florida for Joe Carruthers, whom he has chosen as his successor.

Things quickly begin to unravel, however, thanks to Joe’s meddling agent and Santa’s increasingly unreliable memory. Incredibly, dimwitted Ernest soon becomes Santa’s only hope! Joining forces with a young runaway named “Harmony Star,” Ernest rushes to save the holidays as we know them. Oh, and Joe does inherit the mantle of Santa. Consequently, Christmas is saved!

Disguises? Check. Quirky characters? Yep. Christmas magic? Definitely! So put on your cap and vest, hope in your have and drive into this episode on “Ernest Saves Christmas!” KnoWhutIMean?

Moving Panels
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Behind the Bells
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Listen to this episode of Totally Rad Christmas
Author: Gerry D / Laramy Wells, Chad Sheppard, Robert Nicholas
Title: Ernest Saves Christmas (w/ Laramy, Chad, and Robert

What’s up, dudes? Body swap films were huge back in the day. Did you know there’s even one set at Christmas starring Fred Svage and Judge Reinhold? Tim Williams from 80’s Flick Flashback and Nicholas Pepin of Pop Culture Roulette did, and they’re with me to talk about “Vice Versa!”

Upon returning from a buying trip abroad for the department store where he works, divorced executive Marshall finds that he is in possession of a strange ornamental skull. He is looking after his 11-year-old son Charlie for a few days. The skull has special powers, and when Marshall and Charlie simultaneously wish they were each other’s age, they switch bodies.

Now Charlie must go to work, and Marshall must go to school. Charlie must also deal with Marshall’s girlfriend Sam. Furthermore, a smuggling duo is in pursuit of the skull. Can the father/son combo switch back before the smugglers get to them? Will they save the day? Eventually, yes they will. Also, it’s a bit creepy that Charlie has kissed his dad’s girlfriend.

Ancient mystical artifact? Check. Bumbling antagonists? Of course. Impromptu proposal? Only if your spirit is in your dad’s body! So grab your magic skull, say, “I wish,” and jam out to this episode on “Vice Versa!”

80’s Flick Flashback
FB: @80’s Flick Flashback podcast
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IG: @80sflickflashback

Pop Culture Roulette
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Listen to this episode of Totally Rad Christmas
Author: Gerry D / Tim Williams, Nicholas Pepin
Title: Vice Versa (w/ Tim and Nicholas)

What’s up, dudes? Alvin, Simon…Theodore! Yes, it’s the Dave Seville (Ross Bagdasarian) musical rodent creation! Jeff Loftin from Lost Christmas and Jeremy Phelps the Alamo City Santa are with me to dig into the 1981 special  “A Chipmunk Christmas!”

Swept up in the Christmas spirit, Alvin gives away his cherished harmonica to a sick little boy. Meanwhile, Dave has booked Alvin to perform a harmonica solo at Carnegie Hall. Alvin keeps the loss of his harmonica a secret from Dave, and with the help of Simon and Theodore, he scrambles to earn enough money to buy another harmonica in time for his Carnegie Hall debut. Unfortunately, Dave mistakes his entrepreneurial endeavors for greed. Don’t worry, though: Mrs. Claus buys Alvin the harmonica and the concert goes on as scheduled, with Dave discovering his true motivations.

Along the way you’ll hear the Chipmunks getting ready for the big night, singing their own comical versions of holiday favorites like “Jingle Bells,” “Deck the Halls”, and their famous “Chipmunk Song (Christmas Don’t Be Late)”. This heartwarming story, brimming with joyful music, makes “A Chipmunk Christmas” a great way to celebrate the holidays. Oh, and there was a soundtrack album released as well.

Lost Christmas Podcast
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Alamo City Santa
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Listen to this episode of Totally Rad Christmas
Author: Gerry D / Jeff Loftin, Jeremy Phelps
Title: A Chipmunk Christmas (w/ Jeff and Jeremy)

What’s up, dudes? Nicholas Pepin of Pop Culture Roulette and Jeremy Phelps the Alamo City Santa  to talk about the 2nd Christmas episode of Quantum Leap “Promised Land!” Do we talk physics? Not really, but we discuss Scott Bakula for sure!

“Promised Land” was the 11th episode in Season 5 of Quantum Leap, and the 86th overall series episode. Written by Gillian Horvath and Tommy Thompson, the episode, which was directed by Scott Bakula, first aired on NBC-TV on December 15, 1992. Sam leaps into Elk Ridge, Indiana on December 22, 1971 as “Willie” Walters, Jr., one of three brothers who are robbing the town bank. The bank loaned them an exorbitant amount of money, but with failing crop yields, they resort to robbery in order to pay it off.

Meanwhile, Sam struggles with his emotions of returning to his hometown and his relationship with his own father. Eventually, he manages to escape the bank and uncover the reason the bank lent money to these farmers who could not possibly pay it back. Sam confronts the swindler and  prevents the brothers from being killed when they try to escape. Joy to the world! Oh, and he runs into his dad and gets to say what he always wishes he had said.

Confusion and disorientation? Yep. Investigation? Got that too. Death prevention? As only Dr. Sam Beckett can! So put on your white body suit and time travel into this episode on Quantum Leap “Promised Land!”

Pop Culture Roulette
FB: @PopCultureRoulette
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IG: @popcultroulette

Alamo City Santa
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Listen to this episode of Totally Rad Christmas
Author: Gerry D / Nicholas Pepin, Jeremy Phelps
Title: Quantum Leap “Promised Land” (w/ Nicholas and Jeremy)

What’s up, dudes? Today we’re talking about the present Santa brought me for Christmas 1985. Yes, it’s the Defender of the Universe itself: Voltron! Joining to dig into these Christmas wishbooks is my buddy Lucas Hinojosa and DJ Chad Sheppard! We dig into the history and awesomeness that is the mighty robot! It’s a Voltron Christmas!

From days of long ago, from uncharted regions of the universe, comes a legend, the legend of Voltron, Defender of the Universe. A mighty robot, loved by good, feared by evil. As Voltron’s legend grew, peace settled across the galaxy. On planet Earth, a galaxy alliance was formed. Together with the good planets of the solar system, they maintained peace throughout the universe. Until a new horrible menace threatened the galaxy. Voltron was needed once more. This is the story of the super force of space explorers, specially trained, and sent by the alliance, to bring back Voltron: Defender of the Universe.

The series was primarily edited from Beast King GoLion (Hyakujū-ō Goraion), and it features a team of five young space explorers commanding five robot lions which can be combined to form Voltron. In this undefined future era, the Voltron Force is in charge of protecting the planet Arus, ruled by Princess Allura, from the evil King Zarkon of planet Doom, his son Lotor, and the witch Haggar. Each episode huge killer “ro-beasts” terrorize the people of Arus. In the decades that followed, companies produced Christmas tie-in merchandise, such as ornaments, sweaters, and stockings as well.

Lion robots? Check. Flaming swords? For sure. Edited and sanitized original anime for American audiences? I’m looking at you, Sven! So grab your key, hop in your lion, and form your mighty robot to this episode on Voltron Christmas!

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Listen to this episode of Totally Rad Christmas
Author: Gerry D / Lucas Hinojosa, Chad Sheppard
Title: Voltron (w/ Lucas and Chad)

What’s up, dudes? You know “Last Christmas.” You’ve heard “Do They Know It’s Christmas?” and the “A Very Special Christmas” album. Did you know there is a plethora of Christmas albums and singles from the ‘80s? Vinnie Brezinsky from Huey and Bax and I dig into lesser known ‘80s Christmas songs!

From Lori Loughlin’s “Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer” to Buster Poindexter’s “‘Zat you, Santa Claus?”, we get into many overlooked gems. Chris Squire released “Run With the Fox,” a prog rock masterpiece of suspended chords and ostinato figures. Of course, George Thorogood brings boogie-woogie back to the ‘80s with “Rock and Roll Christmas” as well!

Meanwhile, our lists boast Jon Anderson singing “Three Ships” and the Dallas Cowboys getting in on the action with the charity hit “I Don’t Want To Be Home for Christmas.” We follow it with Cathy Harrington’s “Sha La La (Deck the Halls)” and Fishbone’s homage to a holiday staple “It’s a Wonderful Life (Gonna Have a Good Time)!” Robbie Robertson released “Christmas Must Be Tonight” for the Scrooged soundtrack, while Bonnie Tyler recorded “Merry Christmas” for Dial Code Santa Claus.

Weird Al? Of course! New Kids On The Block? Got them too. Fishbone? Fishbone?!?! So grab your guitar, put on a Santa hat, and get a new publicist as you listen to this episode on lesser known ‘80s Christmas songs!

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Listen to this episode of Totally Rad Christmas
Author: Gerry D / Vinnie Brezinsky
Title: Top 10 Lesser Known ‘80s Christmas Songs pt1 (w/ Vinnie Brezinsky)

What’s up, dudes? It’s a Barry Levinson passion project, and it’s next level nuts! Yes, it’s the Robin Williams vehicle “Toys!” I’ve got Jeremy Phelps the Alamo City Santa and Sean Sotka from the Christmas Podcasts Podcast with me to talk all about the bonkers film.

Eccentric toymaker Kenneth Zevo passes away, and his last wish is that his brother the Lieutenant General take over the running of the business. Leland is a military man through and through, and sees little point in toy making. The business should really have been given to Kenneth’s son Leslie.

Controversially, the General begins making war toys against the company’s longstanding tradition and philosophy. Eventually, he begins making toys with live weaponry behind Leslie’s back, and recruiting children to pilot his army. Leslie, his new girlfriend, and his family—including his robot sister—have to band together to put an end to Leland’s tyranny. Oh, they do.

Elephant conveyor belt? Yep. Robin Wright? Uh huh. Mayonnaise sandwich? Ugh… So grab your wind up toys, put on a bowler hat, and fight the Ender’s Game scenario with this episode!

Christmas Podcasts Podcast
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Alamo City Santa
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Listen to this episode of Totally Rad Christmas
Author: Gerry D / Sean Sotka, Jeremy Phelps
Title: Toys (w/ Sean and Jeremy)

What’s up, dudes? Remember “Night Court?” Tim Williams from 80’s Flick Flashback and Robbie Sherman from Conversations with Robbie Sherman do, and they’re here to talk about the most iconic Christmas episode ‘Santa Goes Downtown!’

In its first Christmas episode, a defendant that identifies himself only as Santa Claus comes before the court. He’s before the court accused of trespassing. “Santa,” who is referred to as “John Doe”, seems to know everyone’s name and facts about their pasts. Soon after, two troubled teens that refuse to give their names appear before Judge Stone. The two runaway teens, named Marty McFly—I mean Eddie—and Mary, shoplifted items from a convenient store.

“Santa”, convinced he actually is St. Nicholas, tries hard to persuade the teens that he is in fact Santa Claus. Consequently, he helps the young runaways resolve their issues and offers Harry the opportunity to succeed him as the next Santa. While the “Santa” turns out to be a harmless escaped mental patient, there are distinct hints that he may in fact be the real thing. And thus, Magic and mystery become an established part of the “Night Court” universe.

Boozing Santa? Check. Angsty teens? Yep. Ambiguously magical mental patient Santa? Definitely! So grab your dingy Santa suit, booze up, and judge this episode on ‘Santa Goes Downtown!’

80’s Flick Flashback
FB: @80’s Flick Flashback podcast
Twitter: @80_podcast
IG: @80sflickflashback

Conversations with Robbie Sherman
Sherman Sux at Sonic

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Listen to this episode of Totally Rad Christmas
Author: Gerry D / Robbie Sherman, Tim Williams
Title: Night Court “Santa Goes Downtown“ (w/ Robbie and Tim)

What’s up, dudes? I’ve got Ken Kessler from Sounds of Christmas and Scott Leopold from Holly Jolly X’masu here to talk the folksy prog rock band Jethro Tull.  We break down two of the Christmas songs by Jethro Tull: “Jack Frost and the Hooded Crow” and “Another Christmas Song.”

The British rock band formed in Blackpool, Lancashire in 1967. Their music is marked by the initially soulful and bluesy, and later expressively idiosyncratic, vocal style and unique lead flute work of frontman Ian Anderson, and their notable guitarist Martin Barre. Of course, their songs feature unusual and often complex construction, incorporating elements of classical and celtic folk music, as well as art rock and alternative rock. They subsequently beat Metallica in the ‘89 Grammy Award for Best Hard Rock/Metal Performance Vocal or Instrumental in what was widely viewed as an upset over the favorite, Metallica‘s …And Justice for All.

Ian Anderson composed “Jack Frost and the Hooded Crow,” and the band originally recorded it in ‘81 for the Broadsword and the Beast album (although it was left off). The 5/4 metered song is more folk rock-inspired with synthesizers. “Another Christmas Song” was also written by Ian Anderson. The band Included the song on the Rock Island album on side B, and eventually released it as a single on December 4, 1989.

Flute? Yep. Folk and fantasy themes? Uh huh. Heavy metal and hard rock? Nope. Not at all. Sorry. So grab your flute, strike a flamingo pose, and listen to this episode on Jethro Tull “Jack Frost and the Hooded Crow!”

Sounds of Christmas
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Holly Jolly X’masu
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Listen to this episode of Totally Rad Christmas
Author: Gerry D / Ken Kessler, Scott Leopold
Title: Jethro Tull “Jack Frost and the Hooded Crow” (w/ Ken and Scott)