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Weird Christmas

2024 Weird Christmas Flash Fiction Contest Winners:

Weird Card Winner: “The Study of Owls and the Christmas Contronyms” by Daniel Roop

Unreal Holiday Celebration Winner: “The Mycelial Muffinheads’ Annual Pilgrimage to the Cave of Forget-Me-Nothings” by C.L. Sidell

Stocking Stuffer Winner: “All Eves for the Yule” by A.S. Hahrwort

All the stories: (in no special order other than appearance on the show):

Please help support the contest, the podcast, and Weird Christmas website by donating/gifting any and all amounts at (click here). The money from the prizes is all from donations. And the more donations I get, the more I can give to the contestants. My long term goal is to make every story count as a professional sale by most writing organization’s standards. You can also donate any amount through PayPal by giving to

big thank you to both volunteer readers this season: Dustin Pari (@dustinpari, who is always so wonderfully generous and optimistic and inspiring), and my friend Joel who wants nothing more to do with this whole thing.

Usual opening: “O Holy Night” by Tiny Tim, “Christmas Doesn’t Last” by Make Like Monkeys, “Santa Claus Boogie” by Hasil Adkins, “Space Age Santa” by Ross Christman

Special opening: “Christmas-Procrastination Blues” by Tom DeMasters.

Bumper music (ripped straight from YouTube): by Myuu (for the dark piano) and a host of wonderful theramin artists.

Contest results from previous years: 202320222021202020192018.

Listen to this episode of the Weird Christmas podcast
Author: Craig Kringle
Title: 2024 Weird Christmas Flash Fiction Contest/Anthology Results Show

Weird Christmas

Please see for text and info on all the stories and writers.

Listen to this episode of the Weird Christmas podcast
Author: Craig Kringle
Title: 2023 Weird Christmas Flash Fiction Contest Results Show

Weird Christmas

Craig talks with the ever knowledgeable and jolly Benito Cereno about Scandinavian elves, which you’re starting to see more and more places in decorations and movies. All links mentioned on the show, along with info on Benito, can be found at at this link:

If you’re feeling generous, you can leave a donation at It’s probably Christmas-time (ish) when you’re reading this, so remember the spirit of the season is giving. And I’m trying not to turn on the guilt machine, but I would like to pay my hosting fees. heh heh

Or PLEASE LEAVE A WEIRD REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS OR YOUR FAVORITE PODCAST APP! Send me a note that you did (, and I’ll send you a sticker!

Listen to this episode of the Weird Christmas podcast
Author: Craig Kringle
Title: Nisser and Tomtar (Scandinavian Elves) with Benito Cereno

Weird Christmas

The best show of the year: 19 stories of Christmas Weirdness from the annual Weird Christmas Flash Fiction Contest. Please visit to get information on the authors and to read the stories again.

If you want to support the contest and help make more and bigger prizes for the writers next year, please visit to donate any amount.

Listen to this episode of the Weird Christmas podcast
Author: Craig Kringle
Title: 2022 Weird Christmas Flash Fiction Contest (5th Annual Results Show)

Weird Christmas

any textual evidence that would connect the origins of Christmas to ancient pagan sources, namely the Mithras cult and Emperor Constantine’s Sol Invictus cult.

Listen here, on your favorite podcast app, or at the Podbean site.


The SHWEP Oddcast


If you’re feeling generous, you can leave a donation at It’s probably Christmas-time (ish) when you’re reading this, so remember the spirit of the season is giving. And I’m trying not to turn on the guilt machine, but I would like to pay my hosting fees. heh heh

Or PLEASE LEAVE A WEIRD REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS OR YOUR FAVORITE PODCAST APP! Send me a note that you did (, and I’ll send you a sticker!

Listen to this episode of the Weird Christmas podcast
Author: Craig Kringle
Title: Ancient Christmas with Earl Fontainelle of the SHWEP

Weird Christmas

La Befana, Perchta, Holda, and so many more! We chat with the always encyclopedia Benito Cereno about all the Christmas witch folklore in Christmas history.



If you’re feeling generous, check out my Patreon page here where you can get all kinds of bonuses throughout the year. You can also buy me a “coffee” ($3 gifts) at

Or PLEASE LEAVE A WEIRD REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS OR YOUR FAVORITE PODCAST APP! Send me a note that you did (, and I’ll send you a sticker!

Listen to this episode of the Weird Christmas podcast
Author: Craig Kringle
Title: Christmas Witches with Benito Cereno

Weird Christmas
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Friends of Christmas Podcasts
2020 Weird Christmas Flash Fiction Contest Results Show

Full text of all the winners are at along with bios, information, and links for all the authors.

All fiction copyright 2020 by the authors.

Please visit for full information.

Listen to this episode of the Weird Christmas podcast
Author: Craig Kringle
Title: 2020 Weird Christmas Flash Fiction Contest Results Show

Weird Christmas
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Friends of Christmas Podcasts
Philosophy, Christmas, and Does Santa Exist by Eric Linus Kaplan who wrote Big Bang Theory which I mentioned here totally for clicks

Sometimes when you have a podcast, you talk to people who interest you and you don’t worry so much about how it relates to the show or your topic or what your hard-won audience really cares about. So you put out a show that’s all about really, really narrow interests you have. This is half that. The other half is about an amazing book about whether or not you should believe in Santa.

Links from the show:

Music from this episode:


If you’re feeling generous, check out my Patreon page here where you can get all kinds of bonuses throughout the year. You can also buy me a “coffee” ($3 gifts) at

Or PLEASE LEAVE A WEIRD REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS OR YOUR FAVORITE PODCAST APP! Send me a note that you did (, and I’ll send you a sticker!

Listen to this episode of the Weird Christmas podcast
Author: Craig Kringle
Title: Philosophy, Christmas, and Does Santa Exist by Eric Linus Kaplan who wrote Big Bang Theory which I mentioned here totally for clicks

Weird Christmas
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Friends of Christmas Podcasts
The Ghost Story of Christmas 2020 "Between the Lights" by EF Benson

This year’s ghost story is “Between the Lights” (1912) by E.F. Benson. It’s not technically a Victorian ghost story, and it’s more weird than ghostly. But it’s one of my favorites.

Listen along with 12 readers who used to be just like you, mere mortals only LISTENING to a podcast rather than being ON one.

Links are a’comin’.

Listen to this episode of the Weird Christmas podcast
Author: Craig Kringle

The Ghost Story of Christmas 2020 “Between the Lights” by EF Benson

Weird Christmas
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Friends of Christmas Podcasts
Weird Christmas Food with Glen Warren of the Season's Eatings Podcast

Time to destroy your appetite! I talk to Glen Warren from the Season’s Eatings Podcast about weird Christmas food throughout history.


Music in this episode:


If you’re feeling generous, check out my Patreon page here where you can get all kinds of bonuses throughout the year. You can also buy me a “coffee” ($3 gifts) at

Or PLEASE LEAVE A WEIRD REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS OR YOUR FAVORITE PODCAST APP! Send me a note that you did (, and I’ll send you a sticker!

Listen to this episode of the Weird Christmas podcast
Author: Craig Kringle

Weird Christmas Food with Glen Warren of the Season’s Eatings Podcast

Weird Christmas
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Friends of Christmas Podcasts
Santa is NOT St Nick - Tom Jerman and Santa Claus Worldwide

As a Thanksgiving treat, enjoy a deep dive down the rabbit hole of Santa history with Tom Jerman, author of Santa Claus Worldwide: A History of St. Nicholas and Other Holiday Gift-Bringers. This is my favorite book of Santa history, and Tom and I covered a lot of ground.

Links mentioned in the show:

Music from the episode:

If you’re feeling generous, check out my Patreon page here where you can get all kinds of bonuses throughout the year. You can also buy me a “coffee” ($3 gifts) at

Or PLEASE LEAVE A WEIRD REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS OR YOUR FAVORITE PODCAST APP! Send me a note that you did (, and I’ll send you a sticker!

Listen to this episode of the Weird Christmas podcast
Author: Craig Kringle
Title: Santa is NOT St Nick – Tom Jerman and Santa Claus Worldwide

Weird Christmas
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Friends of Christmas Podcasts
Mumblecore Christmas with Stefanie Davis about her film The Christmas Ride

I’m not usually your go-to source for new movies. But this one is worth your time. The Christmas Ride is a mumblecore (improvised dialogue) film about a ride share driver getting an emotional gut punch on Christmas day. I talked to the producer/director Stefanie Davis, and I hope you’ll check it out.

Here’s the trailer for a taste:

You can stream it from Amazon (free with Prime) and Vimeo:

Cool people!


And the promo was for Holly Jolly Xmasu — a podcast all about Japanese Christmas music. You’ll be hearing more from Scott soon. 🙂

If you’re feeling generous, check out my Patreon page here where you can get all kinds of bonuses throughout the year. You can also buy me a “coffee” ($3 gifts) at

Or PLEASE LEAVE A WEIRD REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS OR YOUR FAVORITE PODCAST APP! Send me a note that you did (, and I’ll send you a sticker!

Listen to this episode of the Weird Christmas podcast
Author: Craig Kringle
Title: Mumblecore Christmas with Stefanie Davis about her film The Christmas Ride

Weird Christmas
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Friends of Christmas Podcasts
Krampus with Al Ridenour

Krampus. Seems like I should have done a show on Krampus years ago, but I was waiting for the right person. And that person is Al Ridenour, author of The Krampus and the Old, Dark Christmas: Roots and Rebirth of the Folkloric Devil. This is the definitive book on Krampus, and Al fills us in on all the history and celebrations we could want.

Links mentioned in the show:


If you’re feeling generous, check out my Patreon page here where you can get all kinds of bonuses throughout the year.

Listen to this episode of the Weird Christmas podcast
Author: Craig Kringle
Title: Krampus with Al Ridenour

Weird Christmas
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Friends of Christmas Podcasts
Christmas Werewolves with Benito Cereno

Christmas werewolves are a thing. I mean, I don’t know if they’re REAL real. But people really used to believe they were a thing. So Christmas expert Benito Cereno fills us in on their history

Benito’s been on the show before, talking about Christmas comics and the Yule Lads.

Links mentioned in the show:

Music this episode:

And check out the Merry Britsmas podcast for all your British Christmas needs!

If you’re feeling generous, check out my Patreon page here where you can get all kinds of bonuses throughout the year.


Listen to this episode of the Weird Christmas podcast
Author: Craig Kringle
Title: Christmas Werewolves with Benito Cereno

Weird Christmas
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Friends of Christmas Podcasts
Halloween Postcard Collecting with Eric Hinton

The first podcast episode of the 2020 {shiver} season. We do a bit of deep diving into the world of Halloween postcard collecting which, if you follow me on social media, you know is a small obsession of mine. Eric Hinton runs Halloween Postcards and has collected all, yes, ALL of the Halloween postcards printed before World War 2. We wander around some of the stranger examples and figure out what goes on in the musty corners of our collector-type-brains.

This episode has a video version as well so you can see the cards we’re talking about. Head over to my youtube channel here.

Bumper music:

“Happy Christmahanavaloween” by Melanie

“Horror Flick” by Make Like Monkeys

If you’re feeling generous, check out my Patreon page here where you can get all kinds of bonuses throughout the year.

Listen to this episode of the Weird Christmas podcast
Author: Craig Kringle
Title: Halloween Postcard Collecting with Eric Hinton

Weird Christmas
A talk with Brad Warner, author of the new book Letters to a Dead Friend About Zen. How Buddhism can help calm holiday stress, and just stuff about Brad and Zen in general.

Listen to this episode of the Weird Christmas podcast
Author: Craig Kringle
Title: WC# 25 Christmas and Zen Buddhism, a talk with Brad Warner

Weird Christmas
What do we know about Christmas during the Middle Ages? Turns out it’s kinda hard to find very much information. I talk to two medievalists, Misty Schieberle and Scott Smith, who help me trace what few mentions of Christmas there are in the English tradition.

Listen to this episode of the Weird Christmas podcast
Author: Craig Kringle
Title: WC #24 Medieval Christmas with Misty Schieberle and Scott Smith

Weird Christmas
The 2019 Weird Christmas ghost story is “The Story of a Disappearance and an Appearance” by M. R. James. I also get some help with background on James and Punch and Judy puppet shows (which show up in the story) from Jim Moon of the Hypnogoria Podcast.

Listen to this episode of the Weird Christmas podcast
Author: Craig Kringle

WC #23 The Ghost Story of 2019, M.R. James’ “The Story of a Disappearance and an Appearance”