Christmas Podding

Christmas Podding- The Yearly Christmas Trap Wives set for their Husbands.

There’s a  Podcast a Day every day this month as we countdown to Christmas. We call it our Advent Calendar of Christmas Podcasts.

Today we uncover the yearly Christmas  trap Women set for their Men Every year, and the tips you need to avoid the arguments  that follow.

We look at the real problem of “Invite Overload” and how you prioritize what events you must attend and the ones you can avoid and

We deep dive the most controversial Christmas Movie of all time.

There’s another fresh episode tomorrow, and again every day from now till Christmas Day.

Join us now on our Spotify Playlist. All our favourite Christmas Classics for you to enjoy all month long.

Listen to this episode of Christmas Podding
Author: Liam Renton
Title: Christmas Podding- The Yearly Christmas Trap Wives set for their Husbands.
Christmas Podding

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