
The Little Drummer Boy (w/ Rick Goldschmidt and Anthony Caruso)

What’s up, dudes? It’s Candlemas and the end of the Christmas Cycle, so we have to talk about the Nativity and the visit of the Magi in the Rankin Bass specialThe Little Drummer Boy” with R/B Biographer and Historian Rick Goldschmidt and Anthony Caruso from ‘Tis the Podcast! Orphaned drummer boy Aaron hates humanity, but finds his life changed forever when he meets three wise men on the way to Bethlehem. Dancing animals? Yep. Drumming orphan? Of course. Horrendous murder by desert bandits?! Definitely! So grab your drum, paint on your smile, and join the caravan to this episode!

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Listen to this episode of Totally Rad Christmas
Author: Gerry D / Rick Goldschmidt, Anthony Caruso
Title: The Little Drummer Boy (w/ Rick Goldschmidt and Anthony Caruso)

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