Episode 129: A Wrestling Christmas Miracle
When we discussed A Karate Christmas Miracle last year, we swore that we wouldn’t touch its follow-up unless we had no other choice. Ladies and gentlemen, that day came far sooner than we expected.
A Wrestling Christmas Miracle has the distinction of being the only Christmas movie to feature the late, great Gilbert Gottfried. Going into this, that was all we knew. Only now can we say that we have been well and truly snookered. Gottfried is only in this movie because it recycles footage from a completely different movie, one that actually does feature Gilbert Gottfried. It’s all very ridiculous, and we’ll do our best to explain it all on this week’s episode!
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Intro/Outro: Happy Christmas, You Guys! (Simon Panrucker) / CC BY-NC-SA 3.0
Listen to this episode of Christmas Creeps
Author: Christmas Creeps
Title: Episode 129: A Wrestling Christmas Miracle