Episode 152: Video Games of 2023 (Part 2)
It’s been a few weeks, but we’re finally wrapping up our video game extravaganza! If you haven’t listened to part 1 yet, we highly recommend you give that a listen before diving into part 2. (Link’s in the show notes!)
In this episode, we each discuss our top two games of the year, plus some honorable mentions, and a handful of comments from our very own listeners! See? If you listened to Christmas Creeps, we might put you on the show too. Anywho, now that we’ve finally gotten Video Game Chat out of our systems, we can get back to the business of talking about terrible Christmas movies. Stay tuned for your regularly scheduled Christmas Creeps!
Questions/Comments? Email us at XmasCreeps@gmail.comTweet us @ChristmasCreepsVisit us on the web at ChristmasCreeps.com! Join us on our Discord channel!
Intro/Outro: Happy Christmas, You Guys! (Simon Panrucker) / CC BY-NC-SA 3.0
Listen to this episode of Christmas Creeps
Author: Christmas Creeps
Title: Episode 152: Video Games of 2023 (Part 2)