
Episode 54 – Yumi Matsutoya’s “Surf & Snow – Volume One”

Welcome to episode 54 of Holly Jolly X’masu! In this episode, I’ll be discussing Yumi Matsutoya’s classic 1980 album, “Surf & Snow – Volume One.”

For as big as Yuming is, and considering how easy it is to find reviews, critiques and opinions about her online, I was surprised by the sparse amount of biographical information about her. The highlights are covered, but not nearly to the granular degree of other artists, even ones far less popular or accomplished. I still managed to learn a decent amount about her, which always makes my research more enjoyable. One thing that’s always amused me about “Surf & Snow” is that she never released a Volume Two. Mel Brooks is finally getting around to “History Of The World Part 2,” so I guess there’s always hope.

While researching this episode, I was pleased to find some live videos of Yuming performing some of the songs that I’d never seen before. I wanted to share those and the fantastic video of “Koibito ga Santa Claus” from that 1986 special with you here in the show notes.

I Want To Be A Mermaid

Dazzling Grass Baseball – At A Small Ballpark

Koibito ga Santa Claus / My Lover Is Santa Claus

I hope you’ve enjoyed my introduction to Yumi Matsutoya and her music. She’s a true icon in Japan, and considering the wealth of music she’s produced, and the breadth of styles she’s covered, you’re bound to find something of hers to enjoy. Join me back here later this month as I cover the rest of her Christmas music. Then join me on the 25th (or thereabouts) for my Christmas in July episode. I’ve run into several delays so it might be a day late, but I’ll be doing what I can to get it out on time. I’ve compiled a great collection of summer-themed Christmas songs and you want to miss it.

As always, any feedback on this episode would be appreciated. If have any suggestions, or if you’d like to recommend a song or album for a future episode, drop me a line and let me know.

Remember, I’ve added a button to my Ko-fi page. If you’d like to support me one cup of coffee at a time, a donation is only $3. I’ve also opened a Redbubble store. I only have a couple designs up, but keep an eye on it as I’ll be trying to add more. Half of any proceeds or donations received will be donated to support the people of Ukraine, while the rest will be used to purchase new Japanese Christmas music to review for future episodes. You can also find me on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. And if you get a chance, leave me a review on iTunes. Thanks!

Listen to this episode of the Holly Jolly Xmasu Podcast
Author: Holly Jolly X’masu

Episode 54 – Yumi Matsutoya’s “Surf & Snow – Volume One”

Holly Jolly Xmasu

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