
Minute 58 – Santa Smackdown! (w/ Mike Westfall, ft. Daffney Unger, Carrie Kei Heim)

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Minute 58 - Santa Smackdown! (w/ Mike Westfall, ft. Daffney Unger, Carrie Kei Heim)

Our special guest Mike Westfall from the Advent Calendar House podcast joins us for this minute!  Toys are falling apart and kids are mad! Joe encounters some bullies in an alley and Cornelia gets into a fight with two girls in dance class.  Back at the North Pole, Dooley is in disbelief as broken toys come crashing down into the mailroom.

Along with Carrie Kei Heim, this scene features a young Shannon Spruill (aka former WCW wrestler, Daffney) and she shares her memories of filming this movie with us!

Plus: Was Nicole Appleton from the band All Saints in this minute, too?  Smoking in family movies, terrifying talking dolls of the 1980s, a reckless school bus driver, and much more!

Mike’s Podcast: https://adventcalendar.house

SequelQuest Podcast: https://sequelquest.transistor.fm/episodes/ep126-santa-claus-the-movie-sequel-sequelquest

Daffney’s Cameo: https://www.cameo.com/daffneyunger

Our Podcast Website:


Listen to this episode of Santa By the Minute Podcast
Author: santabytheminute
Title: Minute 58 – Santa Smackdown! (w/ Mike Westfall, ft. Daffney Unger, Carrie Kei Heim)
Santa By the Minute

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