Tis the Podcast

Once You’re Real, You Can’t Become Unreal (2023 AppleTV’s Velveteen Rabbit)

Merry last Monday of April fellow Christmas lovers!

We hope you’re ready this week for a tear jerker because the elves are diving into Apple TV’s 2023 take on the children’s classic The Velveteen Rabbit. The elves are all back together discussing the best burger Thom has ever eaten, an in-person elf reunion, already being tired of the election, and much more before diving into the heartwarming and tear-inducing movie.

Grab your beloved stuffy, settle in, and enjoy!

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Author: Tis the Podcast

Once You’re Real, You Can’t Become Unreal (2023 AppleTV’s Velveteen Rabbit)

Tis the Podcast'

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