Tis the Podcast

Our Tale Starts The Same Coming Out Of The Gate, But This Time We’re Adding Just One Twist Of Fate. (The Mean One)

Happy Monday, Christmas Fanatics! And Happy May!

It is officially “Christmas Horror Movie Month” here at “Tis the Podcast” and the elves kick things off this week by covering the 2022 film, “The Mean One“! A B-Horror-Comedy in every sense of the word, it may actually surprise y’all what the elves think of this one! One thing’s for sure though – they definitely have a blast talking about it!

Also discussed: The new tattoo Anthony is getting and his upcoming trip to Tulsa; Julia’s son Ethan’s upcoming graduation; Thom’s priesthood journey; the just announced “Scooby-Doo” live-action Netflix series; and much, much more!

This is one fun and festive episode you want to make sure not to miss! So, settle back and enjoy, y’all! And, as always, thanks for your love and support!

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Author: Tis the Podcast

Our Tale Starts The Same Coming Out Of The Gate, But This Time We’re Adding Just One Twist Of Fate. (The Mean One)

Tis the Podcast'

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