Punky Brewster: Yes, Punky, There Is a Santa Claus
🎄 It’s 1984, and all we want for Christmas is our mom back. Join us as we turn around back to 1984 with Punky Brewster during her very special, very crucial first Christmas with her new family.
WARNING: This episode contains Santa spoilers from 23:45 to 27:31.
🎙 Guests:
Adam Pope (The Retro Network, @hojukoolander).
Steven (UFO Club).
💬 Topics & Tangents:
1. I totally missed the 2021 Punky Brewster revival series on Peacock.
2. Ami Foster (Margaux) in Wrinkles in Need of Cuddles.
3. The Punky Brewster Wiki exists and is very helpful.
4. What do you mean, “Nobody would want A Bomb for Christmas?”
5. “Santa Claus Lives in Santa Cruz” is a very obscure single that may or may not have been written for this episode.
6. “I’ve Got the Sun in the Morning” from Annie Get Your Gun.
7. Today’s TV Trope: Santa’s Existence Clause.
📼 Retro Commercial Break:
NBC’s One to Grow On interstitial with Soleil Moon Frye, circa 1984.
🎤 And Now, These Messages:
Wizards! The Podcast Guide to Comics.
“Punky Brewster” and “Yes, Punky, There Is a Santa Claus” © 1984 NBC Productions.
Say hi on Twitter and Instagram.
Theme song by Bronwen’s Ghost.
Full show notes with links at adventcalendar.house.
Listen to this episode of the Advent Calendar House podcast
Title: Punky Brewster: Yes, Punky, There Is a Santa Claus