Yuletide TV Podcast

S2 Ep. 5 – Mad Men: Christmas Comes but Once a Year

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S2 Ep. 5 - Mad Men: Christmas Comes but Once a Year

The boys slip into their finest suits and break out the whiskey to watch “Christmas Comes but Once a Year” from the fourth season of Mad Men (available on Amazon Prime). Do the dastardly deeds of Sterling Cooper Draper Pryce put a damper on the holiday proceedings, or will the spirit shine through enough for the hosts to call this a Christmas Classic?

Non-Christmas topics include: trying to address the 60’s of it all, The Rock’s diet, The Men Who Stare at Goats, drinking, men getting what they want, holiday humiliation, office parties, pop psychology, Alison Brie, the greatness of Roger Sterling, tropical vacations, and a game of “my uncle is better than your uncle.”

Wikipedia entry for this episode: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christmas_Comes_But_Once_a_Year_(Mad_Men)

The episode’s featured Christmas podcast is Weird Christmas: https://weirdchristmas.com/category/podcast/.

Listen to this episode of YuletideTV Podcast
Author: Chris, Brian and Jon
Title: S2 Ep. 5 – Mad Men: Christmas Comes but Once a Year
Yuletide TV Podcast

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