Christmas PodcastsWe constantly review new podcasts and their episodes.

If you would like your podcast included — or even a podcast you know about included — please fill out the form below.

We will consider every submission for inclusion.

While our goal is to be the most comprehensive resource online for Christmas Podcasts there are some standards we have to stick to. If we find podcasts with objectionable content, poor audio standards, etc.  we will not be include them.

Our concern is for the listeners of the Christmas community online first.

Please be aware that a lot of work goes into getting listed. Kindly review your podcast feed to see what information it includes.

Our goal is to present links for every episode that a quality Christmas podcast produces — and to spread that word through our social media channels, website partners and our own podcast. Our information is only as good as your feed.

A good podcast feed should have the following essential elements:

  1. A dedicated feed just for the podcast episodes. Do not include blog posts or other things from your website in your feed.
  2. The feed needs to show the full content of your show notes, inclusive of any links that you use.
  3. A podcast logo that is at least 1500px x 1500px included in the feed.
  4. The mp3 file of your podcast should be tagged with each episode name, the podcast name, and the podcast logo.

Many new podcasters struggle with this.

If you need help, please contact us and we’ll do our best to assist. If you do not have a website for your podcast we strongly encourage you to get one.

Do not rely on aggregators out there to represent your podcast or brand. It’s okay to use them to facilitate your feed — but you should have your own site.

We can help you set up a quality site at a very reasonable rate if that is of interest to you.

Remember — it’s all about the listener. The better your site, your feed and your connection to the community online the more successful your podcast will be.

We want to help you succeed! Getting it all set up to work here, at Apple, Google and Spotify and others is a lot of work. But once it is done, you can focus on what you do best — bringing us your Christmas through your podcast.

We’d like to help.


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