What Happens on Santa’s Flight
What happens on Santa’s flight? In this episode of the North Pole Podcast Elf Frank interviews Elf Crash Murphy, the Ultimate Santa Tracker charged with following behind Santa each year and reporting about it on Kringle Radio.
Nobody has a better view of Santa and what he does than Elf Crash.
In this episode Crash talks about performing special errands for Santa and hearing live reactions to seeing Santa in flight. He talks about the reindeer, the sleigh and the many things you just never hear about when Santa makes his way around the world.
Elf Frank replays radio segments from our Christmas Eve broadcast and asks Elf Crash to give his take on some of those reports.
In all, it is a behind-the-scenes look of what it takes to pull of Operation Merry Christmas.
Listen to this episode of the North Pole Podcast
Author: Santa Update
Title: What Happens on Santa’s Flight