
XTC “Thanks for Christmas” (w/ Ken Kessler)

What’s up, dudes? Remember the Brit-pop group XTC? Well, in 1983 they released a Christmas single under the pseudonym The Three Wise Men in order to test out a new producer, David Lord. Ken Kessler from Sounds of Christmas joins me to talk all about “Thanks for Christmas” and its B-side “Countdown to Christmas Party Time!”

The single had a few in jokes in the liner notes too! The writing is credited to Caspar, Melchior, and Balthazar, the traditional Western names for the Magi. Credit was given to producer The Good Lord as well.

Pseudonyms? Check. Modulations? A bunch. Adding a B-side just so the album doesn’t warp? Definitely! So head to your local record store, pop on some headphones, and listen to this episode all about XTC “Thanks for Christmas!”

Sounds of Christmas
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Check us out on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Totally Rad Christmas Mall & Arcade, Teepublic.com, or TotallyRadChristmas.com! Later, dudes!

Listen to this episode of Totally Rad Christmas
Author: Gerry D / Ken Kessler

XTC “Thanks for Christmas” (w/ Ken Kessler)

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