Total Christmas

Episode 53 – The Night of the Radishes

Hello you beautiful person.

It’s a jam packed episode with all sorts of crap.

Want to watch a boring yule log that’s out of focus because BB8 is in front of it beeping occasionally?
Well here’s a link:

Then it’s What The Dickens, and in my humble opinion this one is a gem.  We learn about how Scrooge could tell the time in the dark.

Then we have a movie quiz all about Santa’s wife, or Mrs Claus as she prefers to be known.  I give you the actress and the year and play a short audio clip from a film and you tell me what film it is.

Then in Christmas All Over The World we take a look at the Night of the Radishes.  A Christmas festival in Oaxaca Mexico where the locals carve giant radishes into some incredible displays.
Learn a bit more here:

This episode’s recommendation is Jim Henson’s The Tale of the Bunnies Picnic.  It’s ideal to watch at Easter and features a bunch of very cute bunnies.
Watch it here:

Enjoy the show and Merry Christmas.

Listen to this episode of Total Christmas Podcast
Author: Jack
Title: Episode 53 – The Night of the Radishes
Total Christmas

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