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Christmas Podding

On todays episode of Christmas Podding, Australia’s ONLY Christmas Podcast Liam and Ness put forward some very valid reasons why you MUST include receipts in all your Christmas gifts this year. Even though it may be super awkward.

We discuss a longstanding Aussie Christmas Tradition that’s in danger of being lost forever plus

It has been a long month. What’s been Tangling our Tinsel throughout the month of December. Those festive activities that we need to put a stop too, before they drive us crazy.

Coming up on Australia’s ONLY Christmas Podcast. Christmas Podding.

Get Your Christmas Podding Play Along Bingo Card where you can mark off our most repeated, most retold, most reused favourite go to festive stories, sayings and Christmas crutches.  Available from our Christmas Podding Facebook page.

  • Follow us on  Facebook
  • Follow us on Instagram
  • Enjoy our Spotify playlist with a hand crafted playlist of festive favourites.
  • Join Liam and Ness tomorrow with a Podcast a Day every Day from now till Christmas Day.

Listen to this episode of Christmas Podding
Author: Liam Renton

Christmas Podding – What’s been Tangling our Tinsel throughout December.

Christmas Podding

Christmas Podding

Today on Christmas Poddings 12 Days of Christmas Podding Podcasts we laugh along at  our little fur babies and uncover how they have the ability to derail your entire festivities this Christmas.

What answer should you give when someone asks you What would you like for Christmas? Do you give them an honest present option or be polite and generic? We’ll find out what’s the best thing to say plus

Is it OK to celebrate Christmas early, just days before the big dance can you pick any old day to get together with family and loved ones, and does it still feel the same?

Coming up on Australia’s ONLY Christmas Podcast. Christmas Podding.

Get Your Christmas Podding Play Along Bingo Card where you can mark off our most repeated, most retold, most reused favourite go to festive stories, sayings and Christmas crutches.  Available from our Christmas Podding Facebook page.

  • Follow us on  Facebook
  • Follow us on Instagram
  • Enjoy our Spotify playlist with a hand crafted playlist of festive favourites.
  • Join Liam and Ness tomorrow with a Podcast a Day every Day from now till Christmas Day.

Listen to this episode of Christmas Podding
Author: Liam Renton
Title: Christmas Podding – How a Naughty Pet could derail Christmas Day this year.
Christmas Podding

Christmas Podding

On todays episode of Christmas Podding we look at how you can put more joy back into Christmas Day. We have your HOW TO GUIDE to make sure you’ll be smiling all day this Christmas.

We ask the question When did gift wrapping become bigger than Christmas itself? We explore how to scale it back just a tad  plus

Why you need to find yourself in a Church this Christmas and how it will enhance your entire festive experience.

Coming up on Australia’s ONLY Christmas Podcast. Christmas Podding.

Get Your Christmas Podding Play Along Bingo Card where you can mark off our most repeated, most retold, most reused favourite go to festive stories, sayings and Christmas crutches.  Available from our Christmas Podding Facebook page.

  • Follow us on  Facebook
  • Follow us on Instagram
  • Enjoy our Spotify playlist with a hand crafted playlist of festive favourites.
  • Join Liam and Ness tomorrow with a Podcast a Day every Day from now till Christmas Day.

Listen to this episode of Christmas Podding
Author: Liam Renton
Title: Christmas Podding – How to put more JOY back in Christmas Day
Christmas Podding

Christmas Podding

Today on Christmas Podding’s 12 days of Christmas Podcasts, Liam and Ness take a look at all the Christmas Songs dominating the Hot 100 Music Charts worldwide this month .We’ll ask why are the classics still as popular as ever.

We have your Seasonal Safety Tips ready to go with a complete guide to keeping safe and the hidden dangers lurking at this time of year. Plus

How NOT to be a Hot Mess this Christmas. We’ll let you know how NOT to end up in tears in the corner at your next Christmas Party.

Coming up on Australia’s ONLY Christmas Podcast. Christmas Podding.

Get Your Christmas Podding Play Along Bingo Card where you can mark off our most repeated, most retold, most reused favourite go to festive stories, sayings and Christmas crutches.  Available from our Christmas Podding Facebook page.

  • Follow us on  Facebook
  • Follow us on Instagram
  • Enjoy our Spotify playlist with a hand crafted playlist of festive favourites.
  • Join Liam and Ness tomorrow with a Podcast a Day every Day from now till Christmas Day.

Listen to this episode of Christmas Podding
Author: Liam Renton
Title: Christmas Podding- How to not end up a HOT MESS this Christmas.
Christmas Podding

Christmas Podding

Today on Christmas Podding, Australia’s ONLY Christmas Podcast with Liam and Ness,, we ask the question Why are parents scaring kids with the Christmas Grinch and then uploading the horrified reactions to social media? Is it cruel or just a bit of Festive Fun.

We’ll share our HOW TO GUIDE to getting yourself into the Christmas Spirit plus

The new festive fad, Hot Tub Christmas Parties, would you get in your bathers with family and friends all in the name of embracing the season?

Coming up on Australia’s ONLY Christmas Podcast. Christmas Podding.

Get Your Christmas Podding Play Along Bingo Card where you can mark off our most repeated, most retold, most reused favourite go to festive stories, sayings and Christmas crutches.  Available from our Christmas Podding Facebook page.

  • Follow us on  Facebook
  • Follow us on Instagram
  • Enjoy our Spotify playlist with a hand crafted playlist of festive favourites.
  • Join Liam and Ness tomorrow with a Podcast a Day every Day from now till Christmas Day.

Listen to this episode of Christmas Podding
Author: Liam Renton
Title: Christmas Podding – Hot Tub Christmas Parties, The New Festive Trend we all must try.
Christmas Podding

Christmas Podding

Today on Australia’s ONLY Christmas Podcast with Liam and Ness we discuss the whole Elf on the Shelf movement and ask why parents are putting themselves through so much work and anguish at an already busy time of year.

The modern day rules for regifting. We uncover the do’s and don’ts and how to stay out of trouble this Christmas plus

How to navigate the challenges of Christmas for blended families. It can be super tough so we have some easy to follow tips on how to not only survive but enjoy what only blended families bring.

Coming up on Australia’s ONLY Christmas Podcast. Christmas Podding.

Get Your Christmas Podding Play Along Bingo Card where you can mark off our most repeated, most retold, most reused favourite go to festive stories, sayings and Christmas crutches.  Available from our Christmas Podding Facebook page.

  • Follow us on  Facebook
  • Follow us on Instagram
  • Enjoy our Spotify playlist with a hand crafted playlist of festive favourites.
  • Join Liam and Ness tomorrow with a Podcast a Day every Day from now till Christmas Day.

Listen to this episode of Christmas Podding
Author: Liam Renton and Vanessa Gibson
Title: Christmas Podding – Elf on the Shelf. Why are parents putting themselves through it?
Christmas Podding

Christmas Podding

On todays episode of Christmas Podding your hosts Liam and Ness deep dive into home made Christmas Decorations and find out why you should be considering making your own for your home celebrations.

Are we suffering from festive overindulgence? Can you have too much of good thing? plus

What do we think about Christmas Day Weddings? If you were invited to one would you attend and interrupt your own family’s celebrations.

Coming up on Australia’s ONLY Christmas Podcast. Christmas Podding.

Get Your Christmas Podding Play Along Bingo Card where you can mark off our most repeated, most retold, most reused favourite go to festive stories, sayings and Christmas crutches.  Available from our Christmas Podding Facebook page.

  • Follow us on  Facebook
  • Follow us on Instagram
  • Enjoy our Spotify playlist with a hand crafted playlist of festive favourites.
  • Join Liam and Ness tomorrow with a Podcast a Day every Day from now till Christmas Day.

Listen to this episode of Christmas Podding
Author: Liam Renton
Title: Christmas Podding – Would you go to a wedding on Christmas Day?
Christmas Podding

Christmas Podding

Today on Christmas Podding we unveil the best Christmas Hacks we know will make your festive season even easier.

What games should you play on Christmas Day that include the whole family from 7 to 70? plus

How do you choose what family to invite to spend Christmas Day with? Who makes the cut and what do they have to do to get cut from the list, we’ll give you all the tips and tricks you need to navigate a very hard decision.

Coming up on Australia’s ONLY Christmas Podcast. Christmas Podding.

Get Your Christmas Podding Play Along Bingo Card where you can mark off our most repeated, most retold, most reused favourite go to festive stories, sayings and Christmas crutches.  Available from our Christmas Podding Facebook page.

  • Follow us on  Facebook
  • Follow us on Instagram
  • Enjoy our Spotify playlist with a hand crafted playlist of festive favourites.
  • Join Liam and Ness tomorrow with a Podcast a Day every Day from now till Christmas Day.

Listen to this episode of Christmas Podding
Author: Liam Renton

Christmas Podding – The BEST Christmas Hacks you’ll definitely need this Christmas.

Christmas Podding

Christmas Podding

Today on Australia’s ONLY Christmas Podcast we answer the question what do we really want under our tree on Christmas Day, the two biggest gifts we all want for Christmas will be revealed.

Why you must do a basic Christmas Planner to save you the heartache and stress in the lead up to Christmas. How to set one up, we’ll have it covered, plus

How to pick your battles and avoid the Christmas Day arguments. We have some top tips and when to push back and when to walk away from a festive fight.

Coming up on Australia’s ONLY Christmas Podcast. Christmas Podding.

Get Your Christmas Podding Play Along Bingo Card where you can mark off our most repeated, most retold, most reused favourite go to festive stories, sayings and Christmas crutches.  Available from our Christmas Podding Facebook page.

  • Follow us on  Facebook
  • Follow us on Instagram
  • Enjoy our Spotify playlist with a hand crafted playlist of festive favourites.
  • Join Liam and Ness tomorrow with a Podcast a Day every Day from now till Christmas Day.

Listen to this episode of Christmas Podding
Author: Liam Renton
Title: Christmas Podding – How to Pick your Battles this Christmas. Why we fight and how to stop the arguments on Christmas Day.
Christmas Podding

Christmas Podding

Today on Christmas Podding, Australia’s ONLY Christmas Podcast we float the idea of NOT giving presents at all this Christmas. Why it could reduce your stress levels dramatically.

What is the best Christmas Music to listen to this time of year to put you in the best mood possible and

Is it ever OK to tell a little White Lie at Christmas, if it meant prioritizing you, your family and what precious little spare time you may have left this festive season.

Coming up on our 12 Days of Christmas Podcasts, a Podcast a day, every day between now and Christmas Day with your hosts Liam Renton and Vanessa Gibson.

  • Follow us on  Facebook
  • Follow us on Instagram
  • Enjoy our Spotify playlist with a hand crafted playlist of festive favourites.
  • Join Liam and Ness tomorrow with a Podcast a Day every Day from now till Christmas Day.

Listen to this episode of Christmas Podding
Author: Liam Renton
Title: Christmas Podding -Why we need to stop giving presents this Christmas for the sake of Stress Free Festive Season.
Christmas Podding

Christmas Podding

Today on Christmas Podding we pay our respects to the greatest Christmas Movie of All Time “Love Actually” as it celebrates its 20th anniversary. Why its so good and why we still think no Christmas movie comes close.

What’s the vibe on Festive Christmas Markets? Can you really nab a bargain or are we just purchasing more junk plus

What’s the top foods to have around the dinner table this Christmas, we have the official Christmas Rankings and you may be surprised as to what makes number 1 on this years favourites list.

Daily episodes from now till Christmas Day on Australia’s ONLY Christmas Podcast, Christmas Podding.

  • Follow us on  Facebook
  • Follow us on Instagram
  • Enjoy our Spotify playlist with a hand crafted playlist of festive favourites.
  • Join Liam and Ness tomorrow with a Podcast a Day every Day from now till Christmas Day.

Listen to this episode of Christmas Podding
Author: Liam Renton
Title: Christmas Podding – Paying homage to the greatest Christmas Movie of all time.
Christmas Podding

Christmas Podding

Today on Christmas Podding, Australia’s ONLY Christmas Podcast we look hard at why proposing at the most romantic time of the year is a bad idea. We speak to a guy who did and explore the aftermath when it sadly didn’t work out.

We’ll deep dive into the magic that is the annual Christmas Letter and if there’s any merit in writing one this year for family and friends plus

How to be a Scrooge in Style and do Christmas 2023 on a budget without looking too cheap.

Daily episodes from now till Christmas Day as we talk all things Christmas with Liam Renton and Vanessa Gibson on Christmas Podding.

  • Follow us on  Facebook
  • Follow us on Instagram
  • Enjoy our Spotify playlist with a hand crafted playlist of festive favourites.
  • Join Liam and Ness tomorrow with a Podcast a Day every Day from now till Christmas Day.

Listen to this episode of Christmas Podding
Author: Liam Renton
Title: Christmas Podding – , Why Proposing at Christmas could be the worst idea ever?
Christmas Podding

Christmas Podding

Today on Christmas Podding’s 12 Days of Christmas Podcasts we run you through every reason why you should most definitely NOT PROPOSE to the love of your life at Christmas and how you may just regret it for life.

Is Christmas Craft worth the effort when you can something just as shiny and new for less money plus

When it comes to Christmas Carols, do you sing a long at the top of your voice or are one to just watch from afar? We find out why gleefully partaking may just change things for the better this festive season.

Coming up with you’re hosts Liam Renton and Vanessa Gibson on Australia’s ONLY Christmas Podcast Christmas Podding NOW with an episode every day from now till Christmas Day.

  • Follow us on  Facebook
  • Follow us on Instagram
  • Enjoy our Spotify playlist with a hand crafted playlist of festive favourites.
  • Join Liam and Ness tomorrow with a Podcast a Day every Day from now till Christmas Day.

Listen to this episode of Christmas Podding
Author: Liam Renton
Title: Christmas Podding – Why you should definitely NOT propose at Christmas.
Christmas Podding

Christmas Podding

Welcome to Christmas Poddings 12 Days of Christmas Podcasts. A podcast a day every day from now till Christmas.

We are Australia’s ONLY Christmas Podcast and today we discuss the relevance of Christmas Cards. Does anyone care anymore and why you should definitely send some this year.

Every received a present you just wanted to “REGIVE”? Well be careful, there are rules and traps for young players. We’ll run you through how to successfully give away those presents you don’t want, without the embarrassment  plus

The importance of Volunteering this festive season, why its better for you than those you help.

Coming up on Australia’s ONLY Christmas podcast with a BRAND NEW PODCAST EVERY DAY from now till Christmas Day, on Christmas Podding.

Listen to this episode of Christmas Podding
Author: Liam Renton
Title: Christmas Podding – The Rules of Regiving. How not to get caught this Christmas.
Christmas Podding

Christmas Podding

Welcome to Christmas Podding, Australia’s ONLY Christmas Podcast. With less than 20 days to the Big Dance, we have all your Festive Fears covered.

This week we will show you how to do Christmas on the cheap and stay within budget.

We uncover what the most eaten meat on Christmas Day will be, you may be very surprised plus

Christmas Table Conversations, How do you fill 3 hours and not have any awkward moments, we have a few ideas.

Join us next week as we delivery daily episodes in the lead up to Christmas and check out our Christmas Podding Spotify Playlist to get you in the mood.

With your hosts Liam and Ness on the recently voted SECOND BEST Christmas Podcast on the Planet, Christmas Podding.

Listen to this episode of Christmas Podding
Author: Liam Renton
Title: Christmas Podding – Christmas Table Conversations, How to fill 3 hours and not make it AWKWARD?
Christmas Podding

Christmas Podding

This week on Australia’s ONLY Christmas Podcast we give you all the Seasonal Survival tips you’ll ever need to handle a HOT Christmas. This year in Asutralia we are expecting it to be the sweatiest one ever.

We ignite the great Duck Fat Debate. Is it worth the over inflated prices for the yummiest, tastiest roast potatoes ever, you be the judge plus

Christmas Party Etiquette, we’ll deep dive all the Do’s and Don’ts to keep you out of trouble this fesaive season.

Make sure you check out our Christmas Podding Spotify Playlist and join our hosts Liam and Ness as we countdown to the Big Dance on Christmas Podding.

Listen to this episode of Christmas Podding
Author: Liam Renton

Christmas Podding – Christmas Party Etiquette- The Do’s and Dont’s for Christmas 2023

Christmas Podding

Christmas Podding

This week on Australia’s ONLY Christmas Podcast we are asking if a large home cooked meal is absolutely necessary on Christmas Day, or is the family getting together celebration enough?

What is the best way to wrap this years Christmas gifts? Are you a fan of the more traditional or do you use Christmas gift bags? plus

Everything you ever needed to know about hosting a Virtual Christmas. You’ll be amazing at the new technologies that can make distance this Christmas a thing of the past.

Coming up on the recently voted SECOND BEST Christmas Podcast on the Planet, Christmas Podding with Liam and Ness.

Listen to this episode of Christmas Podding
Author: Liam Renton
Title: Christmas Podding – Why staying home this Christmas will trump any plans for Festive Travel.
Christmas Podding

Christmas Podding

This week on the recently voted SECOND BEST Christmas Podcast on the Planet, Liam and Ness ask the question does Christmas Day actually end on Christmas morning? We have some top tips on how to extend the joy and festivities.

Why Turkey needs to be banned from all Christmas Dinners this Christmas. Grab some popcorn and hear the sparks fly. Australia’s Queen of Turkey (Ness) has a few reasons why this will NOT be happening at her place  and

Could the humble Santa Photo be a thing of the past? Unfortunately we may be losing a long standing tradition.

On Australia’s ONLY Christmas Podcast, Christmas Podding, with your hosts Liam Renton and Ness Gibson.

Listen to this episode of Christmas Podding
Author: Liam Renton

Christmas Podding – Why Turkey’s should be banned from all Christmas Dinners?

Christmas Podding