
Episode 141: Lady in the Lake (w/ Libby Cudmore)

Noirch Madness continues! This week we take a look at the 1946 adaptation of Raymond Chandler’s Lady in the Lake! And to help us break it down, we welcome back our resident detective fiction expert Libby Cudmore!

Lady in the Lake is the first feature film to be shot and staged entirely in the first person. The posters emphasized that the film’s hero, detective Philip Marlowe, is played by “Robert Montgomery and you!” It’s a fascinating gimmick, for sure, but how well does it help translate the novel? And what does changing the novel’s setting to Christmas have to do with anything? Those are the very questions we aim to answer this week!

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Intro/Outro: Happy Christmas, You Guys! (Simon Panrucker) / CC BY-NC-SA 3.0

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Author: Christmas Creeps
Title: Episode 141: Lady in the Lake (w/ Libby Cudmore)
Christmas Creeps

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