Episode 68 –King Orchestra’s “Jingle Bell – Christmas Karaoke Collection”
Welcome to episode 68 of Holly Jolly X’masu! In this episode, I’ll be talking about the King Orchestra’s 1978 album, “Jingle Bell – Christmas Karaoke Collection.”
Despite some disappointment, I was glad to finally add this album to my collection. When I first started buying these records, I built a fairly substantial wishlist, and any time I finally get one of the albums that’s been on it from the beginning, I get a feeling of satisfaction. That might change when I listen to it, but at least I can enjoy the achievement for a little while.
As I mentioned in the episode, these first two of the month were done while battling COVID. It wore me out more than I thought it would. I didn’t realize how much it impacted my recording until I was editing this episode and had to cut out tons of lengthy pauses and deep breaths. I’m hoping to be fully back on track in the next week or so.
I hope you enjoyed some of the music here, and the background about King Records. Join me next week for one of my absolute favorite Japanese albums, “Mint Sound’s X’mas Album.” It’s a spectacular compilation from 1987, loaded with a fantastic array of mostly original songs. It’s one of the first albums I bought, and one that really got me hooked on collecting Japanese Christmas music. This is one episode you don’t want to miss!
As always, any feedback on this episode would be appreciated. If have any suggestions, or if you’d like to recommend a song or album for a future episode, drop me a line and let me know.
Remember, I’ve added a button to my Ko-fi page. If you’d like to support me one cup of coffee at a time, a donation is only $3. I’ve also opened a Redbubble store. I only have a couple designs up, but keep an eye on it as I’ll be trying to add more. Half of any proceeds or donations received will be donated to support the people of Ukraine, while the rest will be used to purchase new Japanese Christmas music to review for future episodes. You can also find me on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. And if you get a chance, leave me a review on iTunes. Thanks!
Listen to this episode of the Holly Jolly Xmasu Podcast
Author: Holly Jolly X’masu