
Fantastic Turkeys and Where to Find Them

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone! Today, we’re talking turkey…

In today’s episode I take a brief look at where the tradition of eating turkey comes from, and discover a few traditional Christmas meals from around the world.

Then I read Louisa May Alcott’s short story, “A Christmas Turkey, and How It Came”. Does this old story still have a revelant message for us today? Indeed it does. But it’s also a wonderfully sweet story to listen to while you slowly digest your Thanksgiving Dinner.

Also, our 100th episode is fast approaching! If you have a story, memory, tradition, favorite recipe or any questions for the Q&A segment on our 100th, get it to me asap at any of my social medias or email me at cozychristmaspodcast at gmail dot com!

Plus, listen for some plans I have for the coming 2023 season… enjoy!

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Listen to this episode of the Cozy Christmas Podcast
Author: ArtK
Title: Fantastic Turkeys and Where to Find Them
A Cozy Christmas'

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