
In the Air There’s a Feeling of Christmas

Happy Holidays! In this episode, Chris & Kris catch us up on what they’ve been up to around the city. In the news, Kris talks about a light show taking place on the outside of the Empire State Building and a brand new pop-up event at Rockefeller Center. In Listener Mail, Chris & Kris talk about SantaCon and why you should probably avoid it. Stay Safe and Happy Holidays!!


Christmas Time in the City Merch (https://www.amazon.com/s?rh=n%3A7141123011%2Cp_4%3AChristmas+Time+in+the+City)


Sponsor Chris’s Coney Island Polar Bear Plunge (https://2022-coney-island-new-years-day-polar-bear-plunge-17815.causevox.com/Christmastimeinthecity)


Christmastime in NY (https://open.spotify.com/track/5Ul0Ms0p24WOHXJa2rP3ib?si=9MF0vpnDTu-nh0cFC7SBaA&context=spotify%3Asearch%3Achristmastime%2520in%2520n)


Listen to this episode of Christmas Time in the City
Author: Chris & Kris

In the Air There’s a Feeling of Christmas

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