MerryBritsmas Podcast

Merry Britsmas 40: Knowing Christmas, Knowing Pudding (War Is Over)

IT’S CHRISTMAS! And in this super festive December episode, I explore Alan Partridge’s Knowing Me Knowing Yule, the John Lennon classic Happy Xmas (War Is Over), & the history of the Christmas Pudding! Also, find out the champion of the World Cup of the Ghost of Xmas Present, and hear a modern festive poem from Carol Ann Duffy!

How to make a Victorian Xmas Pudding 

Diana Ross – Happy Xmas (War Is Over)

Boy George & Anohni 

Jherek Bischoff 

Miley Cyrus, Mark Ronson & Sean Ono Lennon

Listen to this episode of Merry Britsmas
Title: Merry Britsmas 40: Knowing Christmas, Knowing Pudding (War Is Over)
Merry Britsmas

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