Mother Mother ”Cry Christmas”

Today’s show is a lot about the backstage of the music business  as the Vancouver-based alternative rock band Mother Mother talks about finding a darker angle on Christmas music with “Cry Christmas” and their version of “Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas.”

This week Ryan Guldemond of the band and I talk about how a rock band finds a way to do Christmas music in a way that’s authentic, as well as why a band like Mother Mother would even do one in the first place.

In this episode, I also talk about new Christmas releases by Sara Noelle, My Morning Jacket, and music writer Kevin McGrath, who compiled Have Yourself a Merry Indie Christmas Vol. 3 in time for this season. If you like their music, you can go back and hear my interview with Sara from earlier this season and Kevin from last season.

I also mentioned in the show that listeners can still request my free playlist by writing me at You can also hear my “Twelve Songs of Christmas Christmas” mix on Apple Music and Spotify.

Listen to this episode of The Twelve Songs of Christmas
Author: Alex Rawls
Title: Mother Mother ”Cry Christmas”
The Twelve Songs of Christmas

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