Behind the Bells

Santa Claus the Movie: Part 2: Salkinds Santa, Dudley Moore, Mcdonalds Toys and the Downfall

“When you’ve got a hit like we have, Patch, the people don’t wanna wait a whole year, they’re dying for a sequel! A sequel. That’s it. We’ll bring it out on March 25, and we’ll call it… Christmas II!”

With the Superman series flatening, the Salkinds decide to produce the first major live action Santa Claus movie.

Learn how Dudley Moore would become the star… despite not playing Santa and how his spirits were down once he was seeing what he was making. Also, hear how even with an expensive marketing campaign, this bomb ended the short Hollywood careers of the Salkinds.




Listen to this episode of the Behind the Bells Podcast
Author: Robert Nicholas
Title: Santa Claus the Movie: Part 2: Salkinds Santa, Dudley Moore, Mcdonalds Toys and the Downfall
Behind the Bells

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