
Stocking Stuffer #28: The Christmas Gift of Light

For years, internet sleuths have tried to identify a cartoon based on nothing but an old family Christmas photo. In an amazing turn of events, not only was the cartoon identified, but it turned out to be an obscure Christmas special titled The Christmas Gift of Light. So you know we had to watch that thing ASAP!

And watch it we did. On this Stocking Stuffer, Joe and Johnny-5 break down this odd little relic, spending entirely too long looking into the IMDb profiles of most of the voice cast, pondering the cartoon’s purpose, and asking the big questions like “Why did we even want to watch this in the first place?”

Questions/Comments? Email us at XmasCreeps@gmail.comTweet us @ChristmasCreepsVisit us on the web at ChristmasCreeps.com! Join us on our Discord channel!

Intro / Outro: Happy Christmas, You Guys! (Simon Panrucker) / CC BY-NC-SA 3.0

Listen to this episode of Christmas Creeps
Author: Christmas Creeps
Title: Stocking Stuffer #28: The Christmas Gift of Light
Christmas Creeps

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