Total Christmas

Episode 80 – Highway to Heaven Christmas Carol

Merry Christmas you beautiful people.

Welcome to episode 80 of the TCP.

First up Bob Baker is talking about why here in the UK we call a flat a flat.

Then we have a joke followed by the quiz.

This episode’s Christmas Not So Classic is Cherry Cherry Christmas by the legend that is Neil Diamond.  It’s a bit of a gimmick song where he shoe horns as many titles of his classic songs in to the lyrics as he can.  The song is catchy, the video is awful.
Check it out:

Then Bob Baker gives us another lovely idea to keep Christmas with you all through the year.

After that it’s another version of A Christmas Carol.  This one is an episode of Highway to Heaven from 1984. It’s actually rather good so give it a watch:

I don’t have a recommendation this week, so if you have any podcasts you think other listeners would like, let me know and send them through.



Merry Christmas!

Listen to this episode of Total Christmas Podcast
Author: Jack
Title: Episode 80 – Highway to Heaven Christmas Carol
Total Christmas

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