Totally Rad Christmas

Ep 107 – Scrooged, the score and soundtrack (w/ Don Ames)

What’s up, dudes? Don Ames from the Even the Score podcast joins me to delve into the music of the 1988 dark comedy Christmas classic “Scrooged”! We talk about Danny Elfman’s progression from Oingo Boingo to Batman! We get into his choral motif, low brass theme, and chord progression! We even talk about unusual string techniques and how they create atmosphere and add to the mood! Then we talk Annie Lennox and Al Green! So hail the nearest spectral taxi, grab some Chinese food, and orchestrate your way into this episode!

Even the Score Podcast
Twitter: @eventhescorepod
IG: @eventhescorepod

Listen to this episode of Totally Rad Christmas
Author: Gerry D / Don Ames
Title: Ep 107 – Scrooged, the score and soundtrack (w/ Don Ames)

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