Jack Frost (w/ Anthony Caruso)
What’s up, dudes? I’ve got Anthony Caruso from ‘Tis the Podcast with me to break down all things 1979 Rankin Bass special “Jack Frost”! We also create an aural red yarn line conspiracy-style graphic trying to untangle the very loose continuity of the R/B universe! Or is it multiverse? Is Kubla Kraus the Burgermeister’s ancestor? Is Father Winter the Snow Miser’s father? Is Bill Murray’s “Groundhog Day” part of the R/B canon? So grab your ice coins, wrap an empty gift, and cast a magic shadow as you dip into this episode!
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Listen to this episode of Totally Rad Christmas
Author: Gerry D / Anthony Caruso
Title: Jack Frost (w/ Anthony Caruso)