Christmas Podding

Christmas Podding – Why last minute Christmas Shoppers are considered Thrill Seekers.

This week on Christmas Podding we uncover the Big Bird shortage of 2022 and why it looks like you’ll have to make alternate plans for Christmas Lunch this year.

We have the best stockers stuffers list with a whole swag of small present ideas that would make anyone happy when they wake up on Christmas morning plus

Experts are now saying leaving your Christmas shopping till the last minute is reckless and thrill seeking. We have all the reasons and help you’ll need to tackle your present shopping list this month.

On Australia’s ONLY Christmas Podcast, Christmas Podding with your hosts Liam and Ness.

Listen to this episode of Christmas Podding
Author: Liam Renton
Title: Christmas Podding – Why last minute Christmas Shoppers are considered Thrill Seekers.
Christmas Podding

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