
Dinosaucers “There’s No Such Thing as Stego-Claws” (w/ Shawn Robare)

What’s up, dudes? Merry Dinosaur Day! Shawn Robare from Cult Film Club, Crestwood House, and Plastic Rocket Pop and I talk the 1987 cartoon “Dinosaucers!” It’s good dinos versus evil tyrannos as two dinosaur alien factions fight for freedom!

It’s Dinosaur Day on Reptilon, and the Dinosaucers are set to return to their home planet for the celebration. The Tyrannos decide to spoil it for Bonehead by telling him Stego-Claws isn’t real. Consequently, the dejected dino refuses to go back home for the holiday. Luckily. He’s visited by the actual Stego-Claws who takes him and David on a trip to deliver presents on Reptilon in his sledosaucer pulled by Rude Ralph the red-nosed rhamphorhynchus.

The Tyrannos ambush the trio at Stego-Claws’s workshop. Using furball elves and Bonehead’s devolved pachycephalosaur self, the trio escapes and delivers presents to good dinosaucers. At another house, they again encounter the Tyrannos, and again, with Stego-Claws’s magic, they defeat them. Bonehead and David return to Earth, and, with renewed belief, Bonehead joins his friends for Dinosaur Day.

Stego-Claws? Check. Rude Ralph? Yep. Saucertoe? Well, they don’t have missiles on Reptilon! So put your finger aside your snout, hop in your sledosaucer, and fly to this Dinosaucers Christmas episode!

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Listen to this episode of Totally Rad Christmas
Author: Gerry D / Shawn Robare
Title: Dinosaucers “There’s No Such Thing as Stego-Claws” (w/ Shawn Robare)

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