I Wouldn’t Mind Getting A Peek At That Magic Ding-A-Ling. (Christmas with the Campbells)
Happy Monday, Christmas Fanatics!
This week, the elves gather to discuss the Hallmark-esque satire film, “Christmas with the Campbells” – which is essentially a Hallmark movie if written with Anthony’s sensibilities. What did the hosts think of it? Well, that description should give it away! Nevertheless, tune in for the in-depth discussion because it’s a fun conversation, as always!
Enjoy, y’all! As always, thanks for your love and support! 🎅🏻🎄🎁 🦌🦉⛄️🔔🚂 🤶🏻 🎀 ❄️
Listen to this episode of Tis the Podcast
Author: Tis the Podcast
Title: I Wouldn’t Mind Getting A Peek At That Magic Ding-A-Ling. (Christmas with the Campbells)