Oprah’s Favorite Things 2023: Live from Oprah’s House?
Welcome back Christmas Cousins!
In this episode, Cousin Seth flies Cousin Chad in for a visit to see Seth at his mega-mansion. Before they can get into too much merriment, Seth has to help a neighbor feed her pets while she is away.
The cousins head over to help out and, much to Chad’s shock, turns out…Seth’s neighbor is the inimitable Oprah Winfrey!
While recording live from her pet menagerie feeding room, they knock something over and discover-a possibly yet-to-be-released-copy of Oprah’s Favorite Things for 2023.
This episode has it all-mega-celebs, lifestyles of the uber-wealthy, great gift ideas, cute pets, even a horse and chariot ride…and with holiday spirit to spare! ENJOY!
As always, we love the feedback, messages and support-frankly, it’s been amazing to hear how many of you are really enjoying this journey with the Cousins-please keep them coming-
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Listen to this episode of the Christmas Cousins podcast
Author: Christmas Cousins Pod