Episode 162: You May Not Ask For Anything To Do With Interpersonal Relationships! Got It? This Is Santa Claus, Not Dear Abby!
Happy Monday, everybody! Can you believe that it’s already the last day of August? We are officially in the Ber Months as of tomorrow! To celebrate the occasion, the elves are joined by Gerry D. of Totally Rad Christmas to discuss the 1991 family-film, All I Want for Christmas. While Gerry, Julia, and Thom all have a history – and therefore, some form of nostalgia – with this movie, Anthony is going in completely blind; will this New York Fairy Tale win him over? Does this movie in general hold up to anyone who wasn’t raised in the nineties? What do all of them think of this pre-Hocus Pocus performance of Thora Birch? And how does Leslie Nielsen stack up against the other actors who have portrayed Santa Claus on this show so far? All of this and much, much more are discussed in this episode – including how homeschooling during the time of COVID is going for Julia’s kids; how Thom and Gerry are dealing with life in quarantine due to being exposed to Coronavirus; and what all of the elves, plus their special guest, think of the first trailer for Matt Reeves’ The Batman. So settle back with your favorite pumpkin drink, blast that air-conditioning, enjoy this fun episode, and take solace in the fact that we have officially arrived at the Ber Months!
*Note – Please excuse Thom’s bad audio quality this episode. Due to living in Quarantine while recording, and the unstable internet that comes along with it, it’s not always clear. This will be resolved by next week’s episode!*
Listen to this episode of Tis the Podcast
Author: Anthony
Title: Episode 162: You May Not Ask For Anything To Do With Interpersonal Relationships! Got It? This Is Santa Claus, Not Dear Abby!
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