North Pole Podcast

Santa Stuns the North Pole with Announcement 1

Santa has had the press conference scheduled for weeks. Speculation has been running rampant that he would announce a new tracker elf recruiting goal for 2021.

All of that happened it was no surprise. But the goal he announced has stunned the North Pole. You can listen to the recorded event as it just played out on North Pole Radio News in this rushed episode of the North Pole Podcast. It runs about 10 minutes and features the voices of Santa, Elf Frank Myrrh and Elf Crash Murphy.

Elf Roger Star, International Director of Santa Trackers, is interviewed as well as Elf Sandy Claus of the Department of Elf Resources. Elf John Pringle of the News Department also shares some thoughts.

The crowd that gathered for the announcement was shocked at what Santa said and it is all anyone can talk about at the North Pole today.

The next five months here at the North Pole will be very interesting.

You can hear the entire press conference in the player below.

Listen to this episode of the North Pole Podcast
Author: Santa Update
Title: Santa Stuns the North Pole with Announcement

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What Happens at the North Pole After Christmas


What happens at the North Pole after Christmas is not something that gets talked about much. There are no songs about it, no movies or television specials. Heck, people hardly ask about it.

But I would tell you that the time right after Christmas is a very important time.

In this episode of the North Pole Podcast elves Frank and Crash talk about what happens immediately after he and Santa return to the North Pole. It is an amazing time of reflection and it has a huge impact on the Christmas to come.

This is an informative and fun episode to kick off the new year in following Santa.

Listen to this episode of the North Pole Podcast
Author: Elf Ernest
Title: What Happens at the North Pole After Christmas

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Stories of Tracking Santa


In this special (if rushed) episode of the North Pole Podcast we hear from two superstar Santa Tracker Elves – Elf Lil Cream and Elf Crusader. They are just two of millions who have signed up at to track Santa for Santa.

The art of tracking Santa is not a new one. It has been going on for decades. It has changed a great deal over the years but one thing remains true: tracking Santa does NOT have to be a singular endeavor of just looking at Santa’s position on a map.

No, Santa has found a way to make it better. He has found a way to make tracking Santa an act of service.

Tracking Santa for Santa means becoming an elf and helping Santa to get around the world safely.


By putting on your elf ears and eyes in your own neighborhood and reporting to the North Pole everything that you see — from the weather to the condition of chimneys. It is not difficult work but it is essential. And the more tracker elves out there Santa has the better it is. By extending yourself in this service you not only begin your elf career you HELP the world to have a Merry Christmas.

Can it get any better than that?

Yes, it can.

What this podcast episode does is it tells the story of how elves track Santa but also how that whole effort began. Elf Crash Murphy talks of how he went from being an elf in the Wrapping Department to being the Most Famous Santa Tracker in all the World. It’s a great story.

Listen to this episode of the North Pole Podcast
Author: Elf Ernest
Title: Stories of Tracking Santa

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Stuff You Don’t Know About Santa
Stuff You Don't Know About Santa

North Pole PodcastStuff you don’t know about Santa is the topic of conversation in this special episode of the North Pole Podcast.

By request from several teachers and many parents we were asked to do a podcast episode about the more unknown things about Santa Claus. With so many missing school or under quarantine due to the Coronavirus people are spending more time than ever trying to learn new things about Santa, what he does and how he does it.

This episode is a real surprise. Joining Elves Frank Myrrh and Crash Murphy of North Pole Radio News is Elf Dr. Grant Smedley, profession of Santa history at Southern North Pole University.

Dr. Smedley is not only a Santa historian he is also Santa’s official biographer.

It was thought that Dr. Smedley would be the one who shares a lot of new information in this episode. But instead he turns the table on Frank and Crash and we end up hearing two fantastic stories of the modern-day Santa that nobody has ever heard.

From these stories we learn a great deal about Santa that we didn’t already know.

Listen to this episode of the North Pole Podcast
Author: Elf Ernest
Title: Stuff You Don’t Know About Santa

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Things to Know About Reindeer


Reindeer are essential to Santa’s mission. Santa simply cannot be Santa without his reindeer.

But what do you really know about them?

The late arrival of Santa’s reindeer to the North Pole in 2020 has caused lots of mail to arrive at the North Pole with questions about Santa’s reindeer. People want to know more about them, what they like and don’t like, how they learn to fly and how many reindeer Santa actually has.

Elf Crash Murphy has a special place in the work of Santa because, like Santa, he flies around the world every Christmas in a sleigh pulled by reindeer. Crash is North Pole Radio News’ eye in the sky reporter, whose job it is to follow Santa every Christmas and to report on what Santa is doing. Crash knows not only the reindeer of Santa’s sleigh but also of his own sleigh and he knows a lot about them.

In this special episode Crash shares some things we guarantee you have never heard about the reindeer. In this episode we learn new things about Rudolph, Vixen and Cupid.

Crash also dispels some bad information out there about reindeer, things that are conveyed in books, movies and songs about reindeer that just are not true.

You don’t want to miss this episode if you are curious about reindeer.

Listen to this episode of the North Pole Podcast
Author: Elf Ernest
Title: Things to Know About Reindeer

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Tracking Santa App Update
Tracking Santa App

Tracking Santa AppThe Tracking Santa App is coming! In this merry and brief episode of the North Pole Podcast Elf Frank Myrrh talks with Elf Winslow, who was put in charge of the app project last spring.

Elf Winslow confirms that the app is coming this year. He spoke of the instruction Santa gave about the app and what he had heard of what people wanted in a tracking app. Key to the project is the Santa tracking map that people want on their phones.

Winslow confirms this feature will be available — along with North Pole Radio via Kringle Radio that features North Pole Radio News. Tracking Santa on the map then will match tracking Santa on the radio and app users will have both in one convenient place.

The app is in testing now and should be available for Android users soon. The Apple version of the app will become available later.

Listen to this episode of the North Pole Podcast
Author: Elf Ernest
Title: Tracking Santa App Update

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North Pole Halloween


North Pole PodcastThe North Pole Halloween party is one that we cover in the news every year. It’s a big deal. And we have been getting a lot of questions about it.

So Frank and Crash decided to sit down in the studios of Kringle Radio to discuss where Halloween comes from and why we celebrate it here at the North Pole.

As you will likely hear in our news coverage the modern day Halloween at the North Pole means a big costume contest for the elves and a massive Halloween party for everyone here at the North Pole. Most famously, this big party usually ends in a food fight.

We never know for sure if that is going to happen. But it usually does.

There will be some news that comes out later this week about the costume contest, including the plans for Santa and Mrs. Claus. They love Halloween especially because it gives them the opportunity to really surprise the elves. They usually do it with their costumes.

But we understand why people have questions. It is easy to know where Christmas comes from but understanding where and why Halloween is from is something else altogether. In this episode Elf Crash answers this question.

Listen to this episode of the North Pole Podcast
Author: Elf Ernest
Title: North Pole Halloween

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Santa, the North Pole and the Virus
Santa, the North Pole, and the Virus

Breaking News from the North PoleGreetings! The questions we are receiving about Santa, the North Pole and the virus are overwhelming the North Pole Post Office these days.

Santa very much understands your concerns. After all, you are dealing with incredible disruptions to your family, home, school and work on account of the virus — so why wouldn’t it affect Santa and the North Pole, too?

Santa has ask me today to give you a candid update about the situation and more specifically what the North Pole plans to do about it all.

As we have previously reported the North Pole has not suffered as much from the virus as many other areas of the world.

In February, the North Pole stopped all travel in and out of the North Pole Sleigh Port.

Like nearly everywhere else, the North Pole then went into a mode of keeping people healthy, trying to educate them about sanitary practices such as washing hands more often, and monitoring elves very closely for any signs of sickness.

To date there has not been a single case of the Coronavirus at the North Pole. Santa and Mrs. Claus likewise have so far been able to avoid the disease.

As Christmas approaches the concerns remain: What if Santa travels the world and then catches the virus? What will happen if Santa has the virus when Christmas comes? Will Christmas then be canceled? What if the virus is present in a home at Christmastime – will Santa just skip that house? Will Santa wear a mask? 

These are all real questions that we have received, as well as thousands of others that are similar in nature.

Santa wants you to know that Christmas will happen this year. Many plans have been put in place to ensure that Santa will be able to deliver, on time, as he does every year.

We will work all season here at to address these concerns.

Additionally, we invite you to listen to a new episode of the North Pole Podcast about this particular issue.

Santa does have plans. It is very clear he will not be able to visit in person with many people leading up to Christmas. This is for the safety of everyone involved. We are working on a number of solutions that will help people have a connection with Santa as much as possible this Christmas, including:

  • Scheduled chats with Santa at various venues on the Internet, including right here on
  • There will be limited opportunities for brief private online chats with Santa — for free, of course
  • SantaUpdate will be providing greater news coverage this year
  • North Pole Radio News will begin online sharing of their news reports on November 1st this year — earlier than ever
  • Discussions on the North Pole Podcast will continue to focus on the status of the virus for Santa and the North Pole.
  • We have expanded the reach of the North Pole Post Office to all official sites of the North Pole so that folks can send wishlists to Santa
  • You can receive news reports via text. Please visit for more details
  • You can call Santa’s office. Please see for more details.
  • Santa is making himself more available to the media this year for interviews

We would remind you to never pay for access to Santa Claus. Santa is always FREE. Unfortunately, in a year like this, there will be a lot of fake Santas out there for sale. Please do not engage with them.

Santa does have very specific plans, and backup plans, to cover Christmas around the world this year. The effort will involve more reindeer, more elves and more people than ever. Please check in often here at Santa Update for more information as it becomes available.

And please — keep sending us your questions. We will continue to do all we can to answer them.

Elf Ernest

Listen to this episode of the North Pole Podcast
Author: Elf Ernest
Title: Santa, the North Pole and the Virus

Northpole Podcast

North Pole PodcastTracking Santa with the North Pole is a whole new level in Santa tracking. We have been doing it here at the North Pole for decades but for the world at large it has only been available for the last 30 years or so.

It is not like Santa tracking you see anywhere else online or offline.

The North Pole Flight Command Center at the North Pole tracks Santa as part of their job. They not only get Santa and his sleigh off the ground but they follow him every stop of the way. They are the first trackers of Santa.

Their job is to keep Santa’s sleigh loaded, to keep Santa on time, to keep him safe, and to return him home.

That is a very big job.

It requires the help of thousands of sleighs and reindeer — plus millions of elves around the world. We call them Tracker Elves.

In this episode of the North Pole Podcast Elves Frank Myrrh, Crash Murphy and Roger Star hold a discussion about why elves love the work of tracking Santa.

Elf Roger Star is the International Director of Santa Trackers. If you do see him online, most of the time it is posting direction to trackers at, a private website just for elves. That site is used to recruit, train and work with Tracker Elves around the world.

Elf Crash Murphy, as you know, has a special role in tracking Santa. He follows Santa’s sleigh on Christmas as an eye-in-the-sky reporter for Kringle Radio. During the rest of the year he works to recruit and train new elves (and to answer general questions about Santa, the elves and life at the North Pole from his many radio listeners).

Frank, Crash and Roger bring you up to date in this episode of all the things the North Pole Flight Command Center is doing to help Tracker Elves this Christmas.

They discuss how anyone who believes in Santa can become an elf themselves and start their elf career by tracking Santa for Santa, right in their own home.

This is a groundbreaking episode for anyone new to Santa Update or tracking Santa.

You can always track Santa on your own, using inferior tracking services on the Internet. Or you can track Santa as one of his elves with those other who track Santa for Santa.

We think you will like our experience better. This episode will teach you how all those tracking pieces fit together.

Listen to this episode of the North Pole Podcast
Author: Elf Ernest
Title: Tracking Santa with the North Pole

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The Northpole Podcast

Flying behind Santa on Christmas Eve is like watching your favorite Christmas movie. Now you don’t have to dream about. You can hear about it from the Elf who actually does it.

Imagine being the elf who follows Santa’s sleigh on Christmas Eve. His name is Elf Crash Murphy and he sees everything Santa does as he makes his way around the world.

In this special episode of the North Pole Podcast Crash answers questions from trackers and believers around the world about Santa’s Christmas Eve flight. You get to learn about some of the things he has experienced and some of the tools Santa uses.

It is a very complex operation that Santa runs and this conversation with Crash gives us a great many insights about what it is like.

This is a don’t miss episode!

Listen to this episode of the North Pole Podcast
Author: Elf Ernest
Title: Flying Behind Santa on Christmas Eve

The Northpole Podcast

After many delays Santa finally made the announcement we have been hearing about for days — and, boy! — was it a big one!

The crew of the North Pole Podcast were there and recorded it live…well, sorta. So we’ll let them tell the story of what Santa had to said and not say anything more in our post here. But it is big news and something we’ll be talking about right up until Santa takes off on Christmas Eve.

Listen to this episode of the North Pole Podcast
Author: Elf Ernest
Title: Santa Makes a Big Announcement

The Northpole Podcast

Becoming an elf and working at the North Pole is the dream of a lot of people.

In this merry episode of the North Pole Podcast you are introduced to Elf Hugo, the postmaster at the North Pole Post Office. You will learn a bit about his story and how he became an elf.

You will learn that the path to elfhood takes a long, long time. Hugo’s story is a good example of that. He worked many years in a hard job that supported his family and he raised his children before he ever became an elf. Then, after becoming an elf, he was put to work in a variety of jobs before he ever got the opportunity to do what he does now.

Elf Hugo is one of the hardest working elves at the North Pole. He is a very good friend of mine. You will never find an elf more devoted to working for Santa or more candid about what it is like to be an elf.

This episode also reveals a little bit about the kind of mail we receive at the North Pole and how some of the elves feel about it.

Listen to this episode of the North Pole Podcast
Author: Elf Ernest
Title: Working as An Elf at the North Pole

The Northpole Podcast

ThanksgivingThanksgiving at the North Pole is not like Thanksgiving anywhere else.

In this festive episode of the North Pole Podcast Elves Frank, Crash and Sprinkles discuss the grand feast planned for the entire elf community and the famous North Pole Thanksgiving Day Elf Parade, featuring thousands of elves and their trikes.

New to listeners is Elf Sprinkles Flufflemeyer. But she is know unknown to the thousands of North Pole citizens who love food (which is all of them). Sprinkles talks not only food in this episode but also the elements of elf love that go into everything that has to do with food — even cleaning. It is a fascinating look inside the heart of an elf who loves what she does.

If you love Thanksgiving, you’ll love this merry episode.


Listen to this episode of the North Pole Podcast
Author: Elf Ernest
Title: North Pole Thanksgiving

The Northpole Podcast

Secrets of SantaThere was nearly a riot getting elves into the studios of Kringle Radio to hear this session recorded. When elves heard what the topic of this podcast would be they just wanted to be there to hear it for themselves.

It is not because they don’t know the Secrets of Santa. They do.

But they wanted to see who would say what.

This episode features two Santa experts: Elf Agent X, head of North Pole Security and Elf Barbara Wa-wa, a North Pole celebrity reporter who is personal friends with both Santa and Mrs. Claus.

The results of this episode surprised most elves. Elf Holly Berry, hostess of this episode, was pretty disappointed in the outcome. But when Santa heard the finished podcast he said this episode to him is “hilarious”.

Santa wants it published because the podcast turned out to be more about elves than Santa himself.

He thinks you need to see that side of things.


Listen to this episode of the North Pole Podcast
Author: Elf Ernest
Title: Secrets of Santa

The Northpole Podcast

Elf HolidaysNot only do elves celebrate a lot more holidays than most folks they have their own unique calendar as well. This all-new episode of the North Pole Podcast discusses Elf Holidays and why they celebrate them.

Thank you for the enthusiastic response to our first episode of the North Pole Podcast. If you liked that one we’re sure you will like Elf Al Pyne’s discussion with Elf Dr. Grant Smedley of Southern North Pole University discussing elf holidays.

One of the finer details of this discussion deals with the revelation — for the first time ever in public media — of something called Toyvember.

Santa is a toymaker and his elves are his helpers. Toyvember is a unique period on the elf calendar when Santa dedicates the resources of all his elves specifically for the development of new kinds of toys. Fantastic stuff comes out of Toyvember and in this episode Dr. Smedley shares exactly how Toyvember works and how it fits on the elf calendar.

This kind of discussion is exactly the reason why Santa wanted us to develop a podcast in the first place. This is deep-diving into elf culture at its best. We hope you enjoy it.

Elf Ernest

Listen to this episode of the North Pole Podcast
Author: Elf Ernest
Title: Elf Holidays

The Northpole Podcast

North Pole PodcastIt’s a big historic day here at the North Pole and here on We’re proud to announce the first episode of the North Pole Podcast.

The North Pole Podcast is an idea we have been exploring for a long, long time. Santa felt it was time we finally do it.

His goal is to use podcasting as a way to reach more people and share more information.

We do not know how many out there listen to podcasts but if what we see here with the North Pole Radio news we share is any indication we think the podcast will be a way to reach a lot more folks.

Especially, uh, older folks.

Let me explain.

Santa has a way of calling any kind of believer a “kid”. He is always saying “The kids will like this” or “We should do this for the kids”. When Santa talks like that he is not always talking about children.

Some of the “kids” who write into the North Pole are really adults. Some are 60 years old or 80 years old even.

Santa thinks some of these older “kids” will be the podcast listeners out there. But we know that children out there will enjoy it too.

The North Pole Podcast will provide new and exciting information about the North Pole. So many have questions about who we as elves are and what it is like to live at the North Pole. They want to know all the stuff that goes on behind the scenes in support of Santa.

That is why the North Pole Podcast is needed.

We hope you enjoy it.

Elf Ernest

Listen to this episode of the North Pole Podcast
Author: Elf Ernest
Title: Introducing the North Pole Podcast