Advent Calendar House

Join us on a sleigh ride back to the ancient year 2014 to find out why the fate of Christmas is in the hands of Murray Weiner (it rhymes with “diner”), who lives in a hidden town that’s home to more than a couple dozen holiday mascots… but mostly just the American ones.

Full episodes with links at:


🎙 On This Episode:

Mike Westfall (@fallwestmike), suffering from superficial fractures of his little baby toeses.

Michael DiGiovanni (@theatomicgeeks), Queen Hannah of Bananaland, from the Classic Film Jerks and Pop Culture Retrofit.

Donnie Storms (@boxcar45) from Bronwen’s Ghost, who’s got a lot of problems with you people and now you’re going to… sorry, wrong show.


💬 Topics & Tangents:

• Former Simpsons showrunner Mike Reiss’s original books, How Murray Saved Christmas and
Santa Claustrophobia.

• The 45-minute special was trimmed to a half-hour, which removed some bad jokes, but also Murray’s backstory.

• Speaking of super offensive things, Marc Mero as Johnny B. Badd, for reference.

• Today’s TV Trope: Santa’s Sweatshop.

• “Vishnu” (totally not Vishnu) takes The Problem with Apu to a new low.

Every LBGT Joke on The Simpsons Ever (as of early 2021).

• There’s an actual National Milkmen Day… but on June 26, not August 12.


🗓 All the holidays represented in Stinky Cigars:

  1. Christmas,
  2. Hanukkah,
  3. Kwanzaa,
  4. New Year’s Day,
  5. Groundhog Day,
  6. Valentine’s Day,
  7. Chinese New Year,
  8. Mardi Gras,
  9. Presidents Day,
  10. St. Patrick’s Day,
  11. April Fool’s Day,
  12. Easter,
  13. Arbor Day,
  14. Earth Day,
  15. Secretary’s Day (we think),
  16. May Day,
  17. Cinco de Mayo,
  18. Mother’s Day,
  19. Graduation Day?
  20. Father’s Day (maybe… there are multiple Father Times),
  21. Independence Day,
  22. Bastille Day,
  23. Labor Day,
  24. Columbus Day,
  25. Halloween,
  26. Veterans Day,
  27. Thanksgiving,
  28. and Jack Frost is there, because sure!


📼 Retro Commercial Break:

McDonald’s McDLT Commercial starring Jason Alexander (1985).


🎤 And Now, These Messages:

Tinsel Tunes.


“How Murray Saved Christmas” © 2014 Universal Animation Studios.

The Advent Calendar House can also be found creating paddle balls out of pizza and meatballs on Twitter (@adventcalhouse) and Instagram (@adventcalendarhouse).


Listen to this episode of the Advent Calendar House podcast
Title: How Murray Saved Christmas

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